Our first day of co-op classes went beautifully. I had to wake up early, which is not my favorite thing, but it was so worth it! The children were very excited to be part of a book club and they had so much to share.:) My older girls discussed The City of Ember. This is a wonderful book full of action, drama and mystery and we all enjoyed it- in fact we needed more time to discuss everything! My girls chose an occupation the way they did in Ember, by pulling a piece of paper marked with a job out of a bag! Can you imagine? They also solved a message with missing letters (like the letter in Ember) and enjoyed eating pineapple, which is only a distant memory in Ember. At the end they planted seeds as a sign of hope for the future of Ember.

You are an amazing teacher Miss Lori! You had it all planned out right down to the food~ So Great!
I look forward to hearing more about these wonderful book clubs of yours.
Hi Lori
Your book club sounds to have gone extremely well. Both books are new to Jessica and I. City of Ember sounds particularly interesting so we will see if we can get hold of it. You sound to have planned it all really well and even brought eating into it too which must have been such fun. I know you were worried about it but I knew you would do great dear sister. I want to come to your book club!!
I will e-mail you later today when I know the end to the tale of the past few days here!!
Oh, I would love to join a book club! My oldest LOVES Boxcar children, she read a ton of them over the summer!
Jamie :)
Lori, sounds like a great day! You are amazing Lori!! My girls used to read Boxcar Children when they were small.
what clever things you pulled and used from the book!
how fun! your an awesome teacher!!
oh, because of winn dixie..LOVE IT!
Your book club ROCKS, Lori! You have such a great teaching style and you make it so much fun for the kids. I'm about ready to sign up myself!:) "Because of Winn Dixie" is a favorite of mine, too!
What a sweet class!! Reagan just started the second book in the Hatchet series and loves it! (did you know it was a series?-I didn't!)
What fun! Roo is reading Because of Winn-Dixie in class right now. I doubt he's having as much fun as your girls had!
What an awesome book club! I really enjoyed City of Ember myself and the movie too, although the movie is different from the book. I still need to read the next one in the series.
What good books you've chosen! We have enjoyed The Boxcar Children a few times here at our house. What a great idea for co-op to have a book club! I love it!
Oh, this post just made me happy. How wonderful that you incorporated activities straight from the stories. Great job! : )
Lori what a nice thing you are doing for these young ladies!
I wish we lived close that way my girls could have joined in this! They would have loved it. I really look up to what a wonderful person and mom you are! Kudos to you my dear!!
You wouldn't believe this but today I stopped off at the Salvation Army and looked at the childrens books. I saw some Nancy Drew ones and thought of you right then and I saw the Boxcar Book and bought it and Amelia Bedlia for Lexi later on. I think I will read the Boxcar book cause it looked pretty good for someone who never reads but I do love childrens books.
Oh and I loved reading Because of Winn Dixie in my Childrens Literature class in college a fews ago. The movie was also good!
Oh, Lori I do believe you are a very creative lady too!! I feel so blessed to call you my friend!! You always make and have to much fun with the kiddos!! I miss the younger age alot!! Kaitlin being in college just isn't the same! Oh, BOO WHO!! Well,take care, XO Fran.
Great choices...my kids really like the Box Car Kids...I really need to get my neighborhood gals together again for book club. Thanks for the reminder.
I love this post! You are earning the jewels in your crown sweet sis. Good job--A+++! XOXO
I haven't read City of Ember but have heard it is good. Both of my kids loved The Boxcar Children. We have read so many through the years.
Hi Lori! You are so creative...Sam read Boxcar children over the summer and loved it! We haven't read the other one..but I'm sure it is wonderful too. All the activities and snacks sound wonderful..You are so creative!! I added a 5th class on Sam's co-op schedule so now he will be taking 5. I added a music theory class.
They had an opening which is first thing in the morning. Before we didn't start until 10..now we will be there from 9 to 3. I have a hard time getting anywhere in the mornings..(I'm not a morning person :) I just hope it's not too much on Sam. I thought it would help with him playing the cello.
It sounds like you are off to a great start...anything you touch..will I'm sure be amazing!!!
Love, Jerelene
I love The Boxcar Children! I think it would be so much fun to have a children's book club! What a great/fun idea...
I love your choices for next week.
We have read Ember and my youngest son just read Boxcar Children a few weeks ago and loved it. I wish you taught at our co-op! You sound like such a fun teacher. Hmm, maybe I can pick up some tips from you.
Oh the memories that just started flooding through my mind when I saw the Adventure of the Boxcar Children. I read the entire series when I was a little girl. Great reading!!
Hunter loved 'The City of Ember!' I just can't keep up :o{
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