We love our home school co-op. Talk about the most wonderful group of people (besides all of you, of course.:)! This semester I will be teaching two classes- book clubs, if you will. I am so excited about this! I have always wanted to start a book club and now I get to choose all the books, activities and food- plus get paid to do it! Yippee!! I have everything ready for my younger group (7-10) but I am really excited about the older group, ages 11- 14. I have all girls signed up, which means I can spend a day on Nancy Drew! Yes! So, here's where I need your help. All ideas are most welcome. Which mystery should we read and why?

I don't have a book suggestion, but I think a mystery dinner would be a great wrap up!
Oh gosh, I don't remember the titles of the Nancy Drew books I read as a child so I am no help at all!
What fun that you will be teaching the book club classes. I think you and the kids are really going to enjoy it!
Hi Lori
Sorry I am no help with this but I am sure whichever book you choose will be great. Jessica and I wish we could come to your book club.
Oh, Lori...it's been ages since I read Nancy Drew books, so my memory fails me right now. I'll try to give it some thought and get back to you...if I can remember! :)
I loved the Haunted Showboat and The Clue in the Diary and The Mystery at Lilac Inn. You could do so many things with these three books, diary with clues in them, mystery lunch, etc. Hope this helps!!
~Molly P
I have only read 2 of them--The Broken Locket and The Album! I can't wait to hear what great ideas you come up with! FUN!
I'll have to ask my ND friend. : )
I loved the post below with your darling creations and adventures of Stella. How fun!
I remember alot of the Nancy Drew books and they are all great! Too hard to pick one!
Well, Lori you know my head is spinning with ideals for you!! Maybe you could do Nancy's mysterious letter, and have the girls write letters to each other and quess who wrote it to them! You could make Nancy Drew kits, with tablet, pencil , etc. have them be creative! or have them dress like Nancy Drew (don't forget the knee socks!) well, I could probably go on and on! LOL! Keep us posted on what you do! XO Fran.
Oh that sounds fun Lori! You will be great at this! I have my Mom's old Nancy Drew books but I have not read them...shame on me right? I will have to get them out.
the book I did for your swap (clue in the crumbling wall) was terrific....and had TONS of things to use for fun and creative idea...
It sounds like you are going to have fun.............which Nancy Drew.......hmmmm, I'm gonna have to break them out!
I love to read. I also love the Halloween thingy, it is so darling.
You are very clever.
I am re-reading my old Nancy Drew's...I just finished A Bungalow Mystery, and it might be a good one to start with (not to spooky, good examples of friendship, etc.) My absolute favorite when I was about 12 was The Hidden Staircase--it had such a cool cover and a great mystery!
Good luck!
Oh Nancy Drew.... old school Nancy Drew. I was 100% infatuated with The Clue of the Dancing Puppet. I took ballet forever and the cover alone lured me in. I think I read it about 10 times. I would love to read it again just with an adult perspective.
Why don't you start them at the beginning and work from there?? I always loved all of them, but the first one is a favorite. The mystery dinner suggestion by MamaTina is too cool....you could use recipes from the Nancy Drew Cookbook (the original or new one depending on what you can find). You are going to have so much fun introducing them to ND.
I haven't read any of those in forever, I have no idea. I'm sure you will enjoy whatever you choose, they are great books! So glad they're still around!
It sounds ideal!!
If Sydney can do Harry Potter, she could do Nancy Drew! I think she spends to much time with her brothers, hmmm.........
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