Patrick Swayze. Kind, faithful, rugged and real...

Did you love him as much as I did? I never had a crush on him, I just wish that I could have had him as a big brother.:)

I read somewhere that he acted so he and his wife could have a dancing school. Now that is romance, ladies. Dancing and his wife were his true loves...
He seemed like someone you could trust and a friend that would always be there for you.
I am so sad that he is gone.
At least we can still see him on the screen. North and South, Ghost, The Outsiders, Red Dawn and Dirty Dancing are some of my favorites.
He was a role model in my book. A "real" man with a good heart. He will be missed...
I know...he was one of the 'good guys' of Hollywood. He will be missed, may he rest in peace.
Yes, he was a great actor, a good person, and a good dancer! Loved him in "Ghost". He will be missed.
Very sad.
One of my all time favorite movies - Dirty Dancing - that I can practically recite every line and attempt the moves ;)
Watching it won't be the same.
Hi Lori,
I think one of his favorite movie's of mine was " Red Dawn " I think that was the name of it. I thought I better come by and get to know you a little as we may soon be pen pals!
I really felt bad about Patrick's passing. He went through so much and was so young. He will be missed.
Love Di
Oh, I had not heard that he had passed away. How sad but I knew he was battling cancer. I loved his movies and I will miss him.
He was one of my fav's too, such a hunk. Lori, I didn't even know he passed...I'm so out of touch lately :( I'll send a prayer out to his family and friends.
Jamie :)
I especially loved him in North and South! One of my favorites....that and The Outsiders.
He will be very missed! I have the movie Dirty dancing and I remember the first time I watched it! At a friends house because at the time my mother would not let me watch it. I can remember that like it was yesterday! I had the biggest crush on him at the time, but as I got older I respected him as a wonderful actor.. and yes one of the good guys of hollywood for sure! 80/ So sad!
No WAY!! I think I've been in the kitchen wayyyyy to long, I'm so out of the news loop! I'm so sad to hear about his passing. I still and will always love him the most in Dirty Dancing.
Reading this was NOT the way to start a day early in the sad. and yes, I did love him as much as most....he was just a really great actor and yeah, "one of the good guys".
I loved him in RoadHouse (?) and the one where he was the bank-robbing surfer with Keanu Reeves as the FBI chasing him.
He could play some great parts...but, Dirty Dancing? oh of the best!!
Yes it's such sad news. I loved the Dirty Dancing film. They were playing songs from it on the radio this morning as a tribute.
Gonna miss him!!!
Very sad, indeed. Definitely a great guy!
REd Dawn and Dirty DAncing are two of my favorite movies. There's a movie he made with his wife "One Last Dance" that I haven't seen. I put it on my queue last night after reading about his passing.
So true!
Lisa, all that you said is so true! He will be greatly missed. I never had a crush on him either (I think we were the only girls that didn't) but I did love his characters and you are right he did feel like a big brother! I loved him as Orry Main in North and South and in Ghost as Demi Moore's husband. He was wonderful in all the other movies too, but those were my favorites. Rest in peace Patrick Swazye.
So sad to see him go. Definitely one of the good guys of Hollywood.
I was in the kitchen sweeping up after supper last night..when my youngest daughter yelled out...Mom..who is Patrick Swayze? My heart just skipped a beat and I felt an immediate lump in my throat. I asked her why and she told me..even though I felt I already knew the bad news. I actually shed a few tears. Everything I've ever read or heard about him was that he was an amazing person, husband..dancer and everyone loved everything he played in!! I know I did...So sad...He will be missed....
Love, Jerelene
I agree Lori, he was always one of my favorites :(
Dirty Dancing is one of my very favorites!
I agree-I am a fan of any man that loves his wife, and has been married as long as they were-I was sad to hear about this-
HI Lori, Patrick Swayze was one of my favorite actors too!...seemed like such a nice man!....So very sad to have lost him so early!....Heidi XO
P.S. I wanted to let you know that I mailed off my swap box to my partner this morning!!!...Thank you for hosting!
Everyone had nothing but fond memories of a wonderful man!! He will be missed!!
I totally agree. He will be missed. Loved him in Ghost! Pancreatic cancer is heartbreaking. My aunt suffered from that before she died. It is awful... simply awful. So glad there is no more suffering for him. He fought the good fight.
I sure am sad, he will be missed but I am glad he wont have to suffer. Blessings,Karen
He was a good guy, admirable husband, and you're right...he will be missed. :(
It is very sad! He was so young! Life isn't fun sometimes is it?!
I just watched North and South and fell in love with Patrick Swayze. Oddly, I didn't think he was hot in the 80s. I must have been blind. LOL!
What a loss! It brings to mind the saying that only the good die young.
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