My precious family bought me a new camera for Christmas!
After I recovered from this wonderful surprise, my old camera
came back to life.
It figures.

After years of enjoyment, it is no longer reliable so I am keeping
the new camera.
And the new telephoto lens.:)
Of course I had to order the sweetest camera bag to keep them safe.

Mandy's delicious idea. Godiva. I am sharing, but no one better touch the caramels.
She told me when she gets married she doesn't want any "stupid diamonds" from her husband, just Godiva.;)

Everyone thinks he's a girl. Pretty boy.
Thank you for all your gorgeous Christmas cards. I am loving them. They are displayed on my framed bulletin board for all to see.
We have been snuggling a lot by the fire. Love this time of year. No snow, but I am sure we will get our share. Hope you are staying warm and cozy.
The stupid diamond comment was hilarious. Looks like you guys had a lovely Christmas. Hugs to you & your family :)
katie looks soooo big holding those!
looks like an awesome camera..glad you had a good christmas!!
Looks like all of you had a very Merry Christmas! Love Mandy's comment about the Godiva! Good luck with your new camera!
What kind of camera did you get? I am loving mine. I also adore your camera bag and Mandy is one smarty girl :)
I really enjoyed this Christmassy post. Love Katie's comment about the diamonds! LOL. Wow your new camera sounds great and of course you must have a new camera bag for it. Cute pictures of Katie and of Snookie there too. Love your tree. I think I recognise one or two of your decorations ;) Please keep a space on your bulletin board for our cards! If they don't arrive soon you will have to save them for next year! Wish I was there to play Barbies with Katie. I miss playing Barbies with Jessica :(
We are warm and cozy too. Just been out for lunch to the carvery. I was ready for a break from cooking.
Glad you had a good Christmas!
I have a feeling she may change her mind about the stupid diamond. (cute)
Have a very Happy New Year!
We woke up this morning to about 4 inches of new snow and it's still coming down!
Hahahaha I am a chocolate girl too... Your camera bag is AWESOME...
I'm with Michelle, what kind of camera did you get? That is so cool!
Love all the Christmas pics so cute... I'm with Katie, I'll take chocolate over diamonds anyday!
Love you,
A camera and Godiva chocolates!? Honey, you've got it made! Your little kitty is adorable. He looks like my cat only fluffier. :-) Hope you have a very Happy New Year!
Love the stupid diamonds! Chocolate is what I prefer, anyway! ;)
Telephoto lens--sweet~! Sounds like a wonderful Christmas. Hugs to all!
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