Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Seven Things about Me

I've been tagged by!

Here are the rules:

1.  Link to your tagger and post the rules on your blog.
2.  Share seven facts about yourself (some random, some weird).
3.  Tag seven people by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4.  Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.   

Seven Things about Me

1.  I am allergic to guinea pigs (of all things...)
2.  I love hosting murder mystery parties (guests come dressed in character and a crime is solved) and dream about doing it for a living.  I use period clothing, music, props, etc.!
3.  I love having my hair brushed.  It's as relaxing as a massage.
4.  I am very afraid of spiders, although I am SO much better than I used to be.
5.  I hate clowns.
6.  I love the idea of Starbucks, but don't like coffee.
7.  I HATE leashes people put on their children.  Leashes are for dogs.

I am tagging:

Denita at
Carla at
Roxanne at
Melanie at
Jessica at
Allison at


  1. Okay I will start thinking and will publish my outcome when we get back from Texas :o)

  2. Hi Lori! I can't stand spiders either. My poor husband, it drives him crazy. Lol! I would love to be part of a murder mystery party. I've heard of them and they sound so fun.

  3. I finally finished mine! Woohoo!
