Friday, July 25, 2008

Tasty Science

   It's amazing all the cool things they have for kids these days!  Mandy got a kit called "Tasty Science" from the toy store the other day.  It's cooking and science in a box.  The girls decided to do an experiment on why cupcakes rise.  Do you know why cupcakes rise?  Well, I am going to tell you.  A chemical reaction takes place when an acid (vinegar) and a base (baking soda) are combined and this causes carbon dioxide bubbles to form.  The bubbles cause the cupcakes to rise. Now, don't you feel smarter?  I know the girls and I did!  Plus, the cupcakes were tasty.:-)


  1. Hi Lori! Please tell Katie we are mailing on Monday ! We have had drama galore around here... but hopefully things are claming down!
    I will email you on Monday to confirm!Sorry for the delay!

  2. I love science projects that you can eat... But then again...I like anything that has food in it!
    AND I love Mandy's shirt!
    Have a great weekend... We are doing a big mountain hike tomorrow-Yikes!

  3. We love science experiments, too. This year at VBS one of the "stations" was science experiments. One day they blew up a balloon with baking soda and vinegar which was Anna's favorite experiment.

  4. Some of my favorite science experiments take place in the kitchen! How fun!
