Friday, August 21, 2009

There Once Was a Cat...

There was a cat. A very tolerant cat. A cat that put up with a lot of "lovin'". :) The cat's name is Snookie...

And there was a dog. A very sweet dog. A very sweet, small maltese dog that was 7 years old. A dog that did not like cats- AT ALL.

Is there a happy ending to this story? (The dog's name is Salty. What?? Can you rename a dog after 7 years??)

Update: Sad to say, we had to take Salty back to his old owners today. He just would not leave Snookie alone.:( I hope they can find a wonderful family for him...


  1. Oh, I hope that there is a happy ending to the story. ♥

    Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. I hope there's a happy ending. My kids say that you can teach a dog new tricks!
    Have fun!

  3. I hope for a happily ever after ending too! The kitty, puppy and daughter are all cute as buttons!

  4. What cute pics! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh my it has to be!

    Have a wonderful weekend Lori!

  6. You simply MUST finish the story...and how I hope it's happy! :)
    Have a great weekend!

  7. The pictures are so cute of the little girl and the cat and the dog! Hehe Snookie and Salty! Love the names....

    oh I used to have a boyfriend when I was 13 years old named "Snookie!"

    I hope there's a happy ending to this story too!

  8. Hahah, yes the happy ending is...uh...well, he's cute! How's the for a happy ending? He does look a bit salty, the name seems fitting ;-)

    Jamie :)

  9. The cat and dog are so precious! I too hope there is a happy ending! I can't wait to hear the rest of the story...julie

  10. When I was little, I thought all dogs were male and married cats who were all female (same thing with horses and cows). Where I came up with that one I do not know! But at least with my logic, there is a happily ever after; it's either a wedding or an amicable divorce!

    Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog and thanks for following. I'm a followin' you too!

  11. So you guys finally got a new dog!!!! Congratulations!

    I laugh because either the cat is going to let the dog know it's the master of the house or the dog is...I'm betting on the cat!

    You could probably get away with calling her Sally or Setty... I don't know if renaming her would work or not! If you look at her, call her by her new name AND pat your leg she might get the picture! (having a treat could help too!)

    Have fun!

  12. Lori, I'm so sorry things didn't work out.

  13. Sorry that Salty had to go back:(
    He was awfully cute!
    Good luck to both your adorable girls..I hope they get picked..
    I love the little roadside stand..too sweet! What smart and thrifty little girls :)
    Love, Jerelene

  14. Hi Lori
    Oh that's so sad that Salty had to go back. I really wish he could have got along with poor Snookie. I hope this can work out for you or for another family.
    It was great to catch up with your blog. I have missed you.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  15. with that face?! I'm sure Mr. Saltypants will find a wonderful family.
    Mixed pets can get along so have no fear....just keep searching for someone more compatible!

  16. and pets are the makings of some beautiful memories!!
