Monday, October 19, 2009

18 years....

Isn't he cute? He's all mine.:) Today we celebrate 18 years together.... I have made a list of 18 of the many reasons why I love my wonderful husband....

1. He tells me I'm pretty.
2. He puts up with my crafting into the wee hours.
3. He watches sappy and scary movies with me.
4. He is not threatened by Edward or Jacob.
5. He tucks me in when he leaves for work in the morning.
6. He does "girlie things" (like going to the American Girl Place) because he loves his girls.
7. He fills up my car with gas so I don't have to.
8. He is the best Dad.
9. He is my own personal Handyman!
10. He is a secret romantic.:)
11. He kept the fire going all through the night during the last ice storm so we would all stay warm.
12. He drives on all our trips. How he can keep going for 6 hours+ is amazing to me. I just fall asleep...
13. He listens to my worries and complaints. He is a saint!
14. He keeps me warm.:)
15. He is reliable. If he says he will do something- he does. I know this doesn't sound romantic, but it is...
16. He likes my cooking, but takes me out to eat so I don't have to...
17. He has the cutest dimples.
18. He is always there for me.....

I love you, Sweetie.....


  1. Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful list..enjoy your day!

  2. What a sweet husband!! perfect for such a precious lady!!! :)
    Happy, Happy Anniversary!!!
    Many Blessings!

  3. How sweet! Congrats on your 18yrs! That is awesome! Blessings,Karen

  4. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Congratulations on 18 years!

  5. Congratulations. Did you have a groom's cake? If you did, what was it?

  6. Kimberly- It was German Chocolate I believe!:) Lori

  7. Happy Anniversary!!! I just celebrated 4 years with my hubby on October 8TH! Glad we share the same anniversary month!! Congrats and wish you 18+ more happy years!! Now go eat some wedding cake!!!
    ~Molly P

  8. awwww! Happy Anniversary to you too! I thought Dean was perfect...hmm.... (just kidding!)

  9. so stinkin' cute! Hope you have a fab. day with your hubs!

  10. Hi Lori
    Congratulations on your 18 year anniversary. I enjoyed hearing your 18 wonderful reasons and I am sure there are many many more.
    I'll be in touch tomorrow.

  11. Okay, now where's his list? Hee Hee!

    So cute Lori!

    Happy 18th-Have fun you cuties!


  12. Happy Anniversary!! That is a happy read with all of those ways you appreciate him. I pray you have 18 and many more happy years together!

  13. awwww ♥ congrats! he sounds like quite the catch:)

  14. Happy 18 years of love together...Tomorrow I ask the question how did you meet your hubby-and I hope you stop by and tell me-18 years should be celebrated!!!

  15. Wishing you both a Happy 18th and many more to come!!
    Hope you had a fabulous day!

  16. Congratulations!!! 18 years of wonderful bliss, huh? You think you are lucky for having him? I am sure that he feels double that love because he has you!

  17. Happy Anniversary! Great qualities your husband has and so nice for you to post them!
    Have a great day!

  18. Happy Anniversary Lori and Hubby! Sounds like a keeper!

  19. Happy Anniversary--a little late. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Wonderful way to pay tribute to the love of your life!

  20. Happy Anniversary to y'all!!
    What a great list...

  21. Hi Lori! It sounds like God blessed you with a wonderful husband!! I especially love that you said he tucks you in....what a sweetie :)
    Happy, Happy Anniversary (a day late..)
    Love you...Jerelene

  22. Happy Anniversary! Congratulations!

  23. Happy 18 years!! You are blessed with an awesome gift from GOD!! What a wonderful world!!! Love grows where Lori goes!! XO

  24. Happy Anniversary! What a sweet post!

  25. Oh, what a wonderful post. No wonder you're still in love 18 years later. Happy Anniversary!

  26. Congrats! 18 years...that is fantastic! Wishing you many, many more together...
