Friday, January 24, 2014

Grow Your Blog and a Giveaway!

Hello!  It's good to see you again!  
For those stopping by from the Vicki's 2 Bags Full Grow Your Blog party, it's incredibly nice to meet you!
I have something fabulous in store for one of you lovelies (squeal!)
Anyone can enter for the giveaway!!!  

but we'll get to that in just a bit...

Morning Glories and Moonflowers-
Where did it come from?

About 8 years ago (has it been that long?) a friend of mine told me about her blog.  A blog?  Huh?  So I stopped by for a peek and was impressed.  A journal of my life?  Who would read that?  But I decided I had nothing to lose!  What to name it, though?

We were growing morning glories and moonflowers in our backyard and I loved the idea of something beautiful having a chance to shine in the morning and another pretty showcased in the evening.  I wanted my blog to be like that.  Happy words/pictures for those reading it during the day and something delightful for friends taking a peek at night, too.  

Perfect is boring is my life.  I often want it to be perfect but where's the fun in that?  It's so much more fun to have a reality check along with a few giggles!

I spend a large portion of my day home schooling these two cuties!  We have fun wherever we go- even at Goodwill!  Personally, I prefer to conduct my treasure hunts at TJ Maxx, but I'm always up for a good neighborhood yard sale.  (As long as we drive through Starbucks on the way.)

My name is Lori and I'm addicted to books.
No, I really am.
You should see my kindle.  Is there a limit to samples downloaded from amazon?  I aim to find out.  If there was only time enough to read all that I want to.  sigh...  Good thing I have to leave the house to go to Starbucks and the grocery store- occasionally.  If I weren't married I'd probably be a hobbit.  Reading by the fire, second breakfasts and all that.  When my door bells rings I roll my eyes and sigh. Unless it's the UPS guy delivering a book from amazon.  It's a wonder I have friends.  

I have a little etsy shop called Too Silly Sisters.  Since I've taken up book reviewing I haven't had time to fill my shop.  My beads and fabric have been calling my name for awhile now.  I think they've given up on me but their time will come...

I have met the nicest people in blogland.  Believe it or not, I've vacationed with some of them!  I tell people this and I wonder what they think.  If you don't blog you just can't understand.  No, I don't give out information freely.  I'm quite private.  It usually starts with emailing and then sometimes you end up talking on the phone.  After a few years you meet up (if you're lucky) and always, always have the best time!  It's a relationship that takes years to nurture but it's amazing how many incredible friends I've made since I became a blogger.  Some of my best friends are bloggy friends that have turned into family.:)

Now for my GIVEAWAY!!!

I've created a fun little prize package for one lucky winner!  A darling Vera Bradley dish towel, one of my favorite books, fabulous Cynthia Rowley decorative pencils and (drum roll) a $10 Starbucks gift card!!!  

Here's what you need to do to enter:

1) Leave a comment on this post for 1 entry.
2) Become a follower of my blog for 1 entry. (Leave a separate comment telling me this.  If you're already a follower, you know the drill.)
3) Tell me the name of your favorite book for 1 entry.  This should be another separate comment.  (I'm always looking for a new favorite!)

(*I'll randomly choose a winner on February 14th*)

Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again soon!


  1. Love reading new stuff about my favorite bloggers :)

  2. And my favorite book - Sam's letter to Jennifer :)

  3. Hi Lori, I enjoyed reading about how you started blogging, I had often wondered. I am so happy that we met through our blogs and it's been a privilege to become your friend. When I visit your blog it really is like visiting with you for a few minutes but vacationing with you was the BEST :)I love how we share our love of crafting and reading. The Misty Harbor books and The Stoney Ridge books have been my favorites. Love you. Lindsay x

  4. Hi, I'm Linda from and I'm one of the volunteer helpers of the Grow Your Own Blog event. We are stopping by to see links and comments etc work fine.
    Your site looks great and I hope you get lots of new visitors and followers.

    I'm a book lover too and read more during the winter. I'm also a gardener and a crafter.
    I'd love to be entered into your give away. Stop by my site and enter my give away too.
    It's great meeting you, have a lovely day.

  5. :) I love this post..and you! I think of you as one of my very best thankful for blogging!!

  6. Just ONE favorite book?? oh my. sweet by and by by: sara evans

  7. Ok, well you have me hooked, and love that you have also traveled with a blog friend. I also have experienced that and what a privelege it is to have friends in blogland. I look forward every morning to 'meeting " my online friends. Definitly interested in your great giveaway, and have joined your blog. Have fun at the party!!!

  8. I'm visiting from the Grow Your Blog party. It is so nice to meet you. I love Morning Glories too. Yours are so pretty! I plan to look around a bit more and then be on my way to visit the others. I do hope you will stop by for a visit and enter my giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs – Donna

  9. visiting from the grow your own blog party. I grew morning glories and moonflowers on my porch last year...although the moonflowers only had one or two blooms. I think I planted them a bit late.

  10. One of my favorite books is called The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey. It takes place in Alaska and is based around old Russian fairy tales.

  11. I would love a chance to be a winner of your givaway as I am always looking for a good book to read.

  12. I'm here from Grow your blog. It's so nice to meet new people. Great giveaway by the way. Thanks for the visit and the nice comment.

  13. Ha, I remember the first time I heard the word "blog"...I laughed out loud because I didn't know what it was and it's such a funny little word! And now, I'm in blog heaven. Yes, indeed put me if for your giveaway, please!
    Enjoy the Blog Party. Aloha from snowy, icy frigid New York.

  14. Just popped over from the comment you left on my blog for the party. Thanks for stopping by. Your blog looks like a happy and fun place to visit. I love treasure hunting too and recently fell in love with TJ Max. I love HomeGoods too. I love that bracelet you made. It's really cute/pretty. Enjoy the party!

  15. Hi Lori! It's so nice to meet you and explore your blog! Love the title of your blog BTW. Morning glories and moon flowers are two of my favorites! I'm now a follower!

  16. So glad you are playing along! Always good to see a friend

  17. It was so fun meeting You.I'm glad You dropped by.I want to follow You because You sound like We would get along and have some things in common.

  18. Favorite book!Oh no that is a hard one-too hard-I suppose this time I'll say ......RosamundePilchner,Winter Solstice,Or Maybe....The Hobbit,Or Jean Auel Series..Cavebear.

  19. Hello! Visiting from GYB party. I agree with you totally...I've met the BEST people thru my blogging. I am ashamed to say that I USE to be an avid reader...especiallly anything history oriented. But that has fallen dramatically to the wayside once I picked up on photography. It's my be all and end all. But if I HAD to pick a favorite book..that's kinda easy for me..."Gone with the Wind". I have read it every summer since I was in 6th grade (hate to admit I am now 54! that's A LOT of times!). But I love it even tho I don't have Scarlett's tiny little ole waist! :)

  20. From one MAXXinista to another...I love your blog. I look forward to coming back and visiting soon. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your give a-way looks awesome.

  21. My favorite book is Choose To Be Happy: A Guide to Total Happiness by Rima Rudner

  22. Hi there Lori, first of all Thankyou so much for coming over to visit with me, it made it easy for me to jump straight back over to you......and I just love your blog, and how cool to find another sister in Christ in Blogland!

    I would love to take part in your giveaway.....I actually already pressed the follow bar before I got down to the entry section of the giveaway.
    I also love books....a favourite, you mean I have to just pick 1???? Hmmm well then perhaps the Quilters daughter by Wanda brunstetter.......... But just so you know, if I happen to be the winner, could you please give the Starbucks voucher to another entry as we don't have any Starbucks at all that I know of here in Australia, so I would hate to have it when others would be able to use it.
    Hugs Sharm.......... Who will be back frequently

  23. Hi,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. You have a great blog and I look forward to visiting you! I just became your new follower.

  24. Hi,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. You have a great blog and I look forward to visiting you! I just became your new follower.

  25. Love this post!!! Also, love the mirror pic. You look great!

  26. Your crafts are so cute! You should start doing that again.

  27. The only reading I do is to my children during the day, so most of my favorites are from the books that I read to them. Not to say that we don't read some great children's books. I don't know if I really have just one that stands out in my mind as a favorite, unless of course you count Tolkien's books. I usually just enjoy the one that I'm currently reading, which right now is the Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald. Let me know if you ever want me to get together a full list of all of our favorites. Do you read aloud to your girls? If so, what are your favorite read alouds?

  28. Hi, glad to know you are a book lover like me.. Love your blog and followed you too..My favorite books are The Sunflower by Richard Paul Evans and all Julia Quinn, Judith McNaught novels.. Will catch up with you soon after visiting other blogs.. Hugs:)

  29. Hi.. Glad to know you through GYB party and that you're a book addict just like me:)My favorite books are almost all of Julia Quinn and Judith McNaught novels.. Will catch up with you soon after visiting other blogs.. Hugs:)

  30. wow, that is a lot of book. my mom can really read so fast. if i can find a good book - i will be done in a while ... a more challenging book takes a few days.

    hi there. i'm Beth from E. Lizard Breath Speaks - so nice to meet you through the Grow Your Blog get together/party. ( :

  31. I follow you on GFC. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  32. I love the Agent Pendergast series by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, especially Still Life with Crows. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  33. Alright ... here goes. I must say, I think you might just be my secret, long-lost twin. Rolling eyes (and hiding??) when the doorbell rings. Yep. Book addiction, yep. I've got a yarn addiction too - haha :) We've got way too much in common! Please do enter me for the giveaway. Thrift store and TJMaxx. Oh yeah -- only places I really like to shop!

  34. Definitely following you too. I need the social life (heehee) Besides, I love the name of your blog. I will read you when I'm wearing jammies, eating popcorn, and watching a movie :)

  35. Favorite book? That's a hard one ... there are TOO many. I really, really love Anthony Trollope. I know, he's a heavy Victorian writer, but I find his tongue-in-cheek humor to be perfectly delivered. Of his books, I like The Last Chronicle of Barset the best. He is perhaps an acquired taste. I really love A Tuscan Childhood also. I've read it several times. I like books set in Italy or France where crazy people buy an old beat-down farm and try to turn it into a vineyard or an olive grove or something. Those are always entertaining!

  36. (Oh -- by the way, I don't join the "follower" cluster on blogs. I enter your URL into my feed reader. I use Feedly as my feed reader now that Google Reader is no more. So I hope that counts as "following." I'll be over here all the time, so you'll know!)

  37. Thank you for stopping by Plum Hollow yesterday! I'm now a follower of yours. What a lovely blog. I'm sorry I didn't come across it sooner.

    Wishing you a blessed weekend.

  38. My favorite fiction book is either The Help by Kathryn Stockett or Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman.

    The name of your blog is beautiful. I grow morning glories and moonflowers along my chain link fences every year.

  39. Loved your blog. Decided to follow. You can visit me at

  40. I love the name of your blog. But in Australia Morning Glory is a noxious weed. There is a penalty if you are caught growing it. It proliferates through the bushland and chokes out native plants. It just looooves our climate. But such a pretty flower. You are a star to take on home schooling :-)

  41. Oh, what nifty goodies! My favorite book is Ahab's Wife (Sena Jeter Naslund). Fabulous! I've read it a few times already; that's what I generally do with the best stuff!

  42. I found your blog at the GBY party and will be following with interest and for your book reviews!

  43. Thank you for visiting my bloggie.
    I hopped right over to visit yours and am so glad I did. What a beautiful family you have.....I really like your blog and will be following along. My favorite book of all time is Anne of Green Gables.

  44. My favorite book, Gathering Blue!

  45. I'd love to win:)
    alaine74014 at gmail dot com

  46. I follow via GFC
    alaine74014 at gmail dot com

  47. I love to kill a mockingbird
    alaine74014 at gmail dot com

  48. Hi! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog - it led me straight to yours :) I think you have a very honest and beautiful way of looking at life which comes accross so clearly in your writing. You review books in a very compelling way... I'd love to be able to tell you what my favourite book is but that would be like 'Sophie's choice'! I'm currently being forced to move house and am meant to be downsizing...thus far I've managed to re-home a total of three books - only because they were duplicate purchases! That was tough enough - and I suspect that reading your reviews will ensure that I ADD to my book hoard! It's a risk I'm happy to take as your blog is a pleasure to read - happy to have found you, best wishes from Shroo:)

  49. Hi Lori, So glad to visit your lovely blog. Looks like you have a lot of fun and I'm going to join in (new follower).

  50. Hi Lori, Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway - looks great and yes, I do love Starbucks! Being a Kindle person....I have to ask if you know about Pixel of Ink? They send me an email every day with free ebooks from Amazon offered! E-mail me if you have questions.

  51. I'm a new follower via bloglovin ;-)

  52. Hi Lori, thanks for stopping by at my blog! I love it here, too, and am following... I do love to read, I used to fly through books but am slower no - audiobooks are my friends as I can "read" while doing something else like driving or knitting or cooking :-)

  53. I am so glad that I stopped by here today during this blog hop...please enter me into your drawing...have a blessed and peace filled day.

  54. I saw the name of your blog on another bloggers page and had to come over to see who was home. I'm also participating the GYB Party :)

  55. Thank you for the multiple chances to win in your giveaway, and it looks like I am follower 304.

  56. And my favorite book - A Tendering in the Storm by Jane Kirkpatrick.

  57. I'm so glad you commented on my blog today! I had to pop over and see who you were, and I'm so glad I did. Love your philosophy, and so relate to sighing when the doorbell rings! Unless it's a book or a box from Sephora! Please enter me in your lovely drawing.

  58. And my favorite book -- that's so hard. I always have a stack going. But one of my favorites is a book from childhood, Anne of Green Gables. sometimes I reread it or one of the other Anne books when I want to escape to a lovely place and time.

  59. Your blog is an enjoyable and happy place! I'm glad to find you from Grow Your Blog. And yes, please enter me in the giveaway!

  60. One favorite book? It's so hard to choose one, but one of my favorites is a book about words and reading: The Book Thief. The movie is excellent, too!

  61. To choose just one book is hard... I especially loved the last one of Jean Auel's Ayla series as the people visit many of my favourite places in south west France, we once did a tour of lots of the stone age painted caves.

  62. Wow! You do read a lot! I had a young adult review blog a couple years ago, and I absolutely burned out on reading for a while, and I think quite possibly burned out on young adult books forever. I'm going to try to check out some of the books you have in your stack, and see if I can get back into the swings of things!

  63. I am now following you! I loved GYB party also, No drama is such a beautiful phrase, we need that to spread like wildfire!

  64. My all time favorite book is 'Gone With the Wind' but I have also fallen in love with the hilarious Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. The first one has been made into a movie, and even Hubby loved that movie!
    Currently I am reading 'Believing God Day by Day: Growing Your Faith All Year Long' by Beth Moore. She has a couple of other books out that I have downloaded to my Kindle to read later. Yes, the Kindle is a wonderful invention. Since I am such a voracious and eclectic reader, I can carry my entire library with me to pick and choose as my mood strikes! :-)

  65. Oh, my I do love your jewelry! It took a bit for my poor slow computer to download all the pictures, but I must say they were certainly worth the wait. Beading is one of the crafts I just haven't gotten really good at yet, although I can weave a very pretty Native American type strip to sew onto a costume.
    Love the warmth and friendliness in your posts.

  66. Hi Lori--thanks for stopping by via the GYB party and entering my contest. I'm here to enter yours:) I was so blessed that you liked my creations and my photography! Your creations are beautiful; I'd love to see more jewelry. I just started making some; I've got a lot to learn. I'm a book lover as well, though I don't blog about it. My house is pretty much overflowing with them. And now I buy a lot of books to do altered book projects, so my work room is overflowing with them--help! Lovely to meet you, Diana

  67. Hard to pick a favorite (after the Bible), but off the top of my head, I'd say, At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon (love the whole series!).

  68. Favorite book as a young teen was 'The Velvet Room'.

  69. I'm not sure I have a favorite book, so I will name the one that is most memorable for me--if for no other reason than I nearly gave up on it so many times. The book--A Prayer for Owen Meany. It's one of those books where every minute detail ends up being an important element of the story.

  70. I'm following you because I like that you do book reviews. It will be fun to see what you come up with.

  71. Hello! I've enjoyed meeting you & reading your blog. I hope you might visit my two & join in my Giveaways

  72. One of my favourite books is "The Red Tent" by Anita's a really interesting stry of Dinah, the sister of Joseph, in the Old Testament. Mind you, I love reading and I find it hard to choose just one!.

  73. Visiting via Vicki's GYB party and enjoying MG& the name, btw. Good for you to homeschool your children; they'll do much better in life, I do believe.

  74. Thank you for coming by Harvest Lane Cottage and commenting. I am delighted to meet you. I can already tell that I'm going to enjoy getting to know you. I too homeschool, love to read, enjoy Vanilla Rooibos tea or a Mocha Latte at Starbucks, and blogging. Goodwill and Salvation Army and yard sales are where I score great clothes for my kids and sometimes for me and my husband as well.

    May God bless you!

    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  75. I'm following you on GFC because I'm enjoying what I see on your blog. I really liked The Calling, but I adored The Headmistress of Rosemere.

    Have a terrific week,
    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage

  76. In this comment I am supposed to be telling you my favorite book. I cannot. I too read way too much to have just one favorite.

    In the Bible, it's Philippians. It's just so encouraging.

    I'm reading A Promise Kept by Robin Lee Hatcher. I'm really enjoying it. I love the outdoorsy set in the mountains in a log cabin setting. It's making me feel good. We all need some feel good books.

    I think that Prophet by R.J. Larson and the sequels Judge and King are some of my favorites last year.

    Can you tell I'm feeling rather chatty tonight?

    I'm going to quit writing and leave you alone now. ~big grin~
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  77. OK, just dropping by to say hello! I swear I left you an earlier comment, but I don't see it. I'm looking forward to reading more and enjoying future chats! And the picture of you in the mirror? SMASHING. Very jealous. =) Nancy

  78. I've always loved your blog! Entering your fun giveaway.

  79. Fav book -- hmmm. I don't really do "favorites" but I am reading "The Whole Enchilada" by Diane Mott Davidson. It was on my Christmas list but I finally bought it for myself because Santa and my name draw partner didn't remember. =) It's a culinary mystery, a super-fun genre to me.


  80. I enjoyed meeting you and reading about your projects and books.

  81. My favorite book is an old children's book The Story of Mankind...

  82. Hello , my name is Dawn your my one stop on the blog party, Hope that I soon will be friends with all of you cyber neighbors. I just say that 600 plus bloggers that sign up to the Party and I don’t have a lot of blog time in for I just started blogging when I joined the blog party it was my New Year resolution. Reading my 345 blog and more to go. but I like all things creative n thrifty. Whew a lot of good read and great giveaways. Thanks for this opportunity to join friends with you and be apart of your giveaway. Can't wait to see more of your great projects in the making. My site contact info is


  83. Oh I forgot to mention that 2 rolls is a state of emergency. I got a big laugh on that one. because I buy bulk always. and I panic around four rolls

  84. Greetings from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Very nice to meet you and your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  85. Finally getting here making my way through the gyb hop. Nice to meet you!

  86. I have always loved the Spenser detective novels by Robert Parker.

  87. Wow! I love your blog. I have subscribed to your RSS feed. I too love to read as well as make jewellery. Best of all - I love to read jewellery books. Thank you for sharing.
