Monday, April 14, 2014

No Greatness without Goodness by Randy Lewis- A Book That Will Change Your Life

My Thoughts:

"Will all those in the audience who have a son or daughter, a relative, or a neighbor with a disability- anyone who holds someone with a disability in his or her heart- please stand up?"

I'm standing straight up.  Are you?

"1 out of every 5 Americans has some disability.  Only 16% of people with a severe disability such as deafness, legal blindness, intellectual disability, autism, or an inability to walk are employed." We all have limits to a certain degree.  I fear public speaking, flying, spiders and roller coasters!  But when it comes down to it our options for the future are unlimited.  I want you to consider for a minute that we all have dreams and one common aspiration is to feel needed, independent and productive.  For much too long people with disabilities have been severely limited in their options for a productive life.  It's heartbreaking.  Randy Lewis, retired Senior Vice President of Walgreens, saw an opportunity for change and stepped up to the challenge.  He's a modern day hero and his story, No Greatness Without Goodness, is a shining example of what can be done to better the world as long as you don't let fear stop you.  After reading this book I want to do ALL my shopping at Walgreens.

The book begins with Randy Lewis telling us about his family.  He has three wonderful children and his son, Austin, just happens to have autism.  A curve ball that parents never see coming.  Through their family's journey Mr. Lewis began to explore options for Austin's future and he wasn't satisfied with what he discovered.  The world tends to view the disabled as "them" and we need to start seeing all people as "us."

Mr. Lewis painstakingly put into motion an inclusive model for a Walgreens distribution center.  Other companies, such as Lowe's and Best Buy, were inspired by this and followed suit.  (I know where I'm going to be doing my shopping!)  Not only do they provide jobs and a paycheck, they give hope and a future to those who had none.  They pay the employees "the same as people without disabilities, have them perform the same jobs, and hold them to the same standards.  They offer full benefits and full-time employment."  I read parts of this inspiring story to my husband and he immediately purchased the book to read on his iPad.  I guarantee you'll feel the same way.  The author is even willing to donate all his proceeds from this book.  It's thrilling to see how passionate he is about this cause.  Everyone should read No Greatness without Goodness.  Every one of us.

If there is one book you need to read this year, this is it.  No Greatness Without Goodness is life changing, inspiring, and beautiful.  It will make you think, help you view people in a different and very beautiful way and perhaps even make you cry.  It will definitely make you cheer!

About the Book, No Greatness Without Goodness:

Randy Lewis bet his career that he could create an inclusive workplace at one of America’s biggest corporations where people with disabilities could not just succeed, but thrive. No Greatness without Goodness is the powerful story of a corporate executive who, after watching the world through the eyes of his own child with autism, Austin, realized that we all have a greater responsibility to make the world a better place for everyone, including those with disabilities.

As the Senior Vice President of Walgreens, Randy Lewis has created thousands of full-time jobs for people with disabilities. No Greatness without Goodness offers a firsthand account of what it takes to lead with courage in order to change people’s lives for the better. Randy’s motto is “What’s the use of having power if you don’t use it to do good.” In this book, you’ll learn how to start working for good no matter where you are or how much power you hold. 

About the author, Randy Lewis:

Randy Lewis, former Vice President of Walgreens, Peace Corps volunteer, Fortune 50 executive and accidental advocate, led Walgreens' logistics division for sixteen years as the chain grew from 1,500 to 8,000 stores. Randy introduced an inclusive model in Walgreens distribution centers that resulted in ten percent of its workforce consisting of people with disabilities who are held to the same standards as those without disabilities. Its success has changed the lives of thousands with and without disabilities and is serving as a model for other employers in the U.S and abroad. 

*I was given a copy of this wonderful book from Tyndale in exchange for my honest opinion.  No other compensation was received.*


  1. Hi Lori, this sounds such an inspirational story. All similar organisations should now follow the lead of Walgreens. Thank you for sharing this on your blog and giving Walgreens the praise they deserve. I would shop at Walgreens too, if I could that is! Lindsay x

  2. May we as Americans and as children of the Most High God always remember that there is NOTHING great unless it's GOOD! I enjoyed your book review!!!

  3. Really enjoy your book reviews and just downloaded this on to my nook! One thing about being in the hospital and now home resting and recovering is that I am having more time for my reading! Know this will be a great book

  4. Just finished the book. It is amazing. We are so fortunate that you finally decided to put this experience in writing. It is way more than just a story. It contains leadership principles, examples of courage and fulfilling a vision, and provides so much hope for the reader. I am in the process of starting a community based organization that serves young offenders of non-violent crimes, to secure employment....another disregarded population who desperately need employment, not welfare or charity, to avoid repeating the behaviors that landed them in jail to begin with. It's not easy, but I won't give up. This book has blessed me more than you could imagine. I am now so in love with Walgreens. Thank you for having the courage to believe it could be done.

  5. Amazing book, great vision and courage. Wonderful leadership principles and examples of humanity at its best. Think you. This book was really a blessing.
