Felicity and Elizabeth dolls (American Girl) are being
retired at the end of December.
Elizabeth's bed is lovely (above) but quite expensive.
Jeff ordered the bedding and then made the bed and the mattress yesterday.
Katie was the painter.:)
Here is the completed bed and one happy little girl!
I was so impressed! The bed is about $70 in the catalogand Jeff made it for around $10.
Sweet dreams, Elizabeth...
Wonder what they will make next?
That is so sweet!!! Katie had a great time at your house!!!
So cute Lori! Jeff should go into business!!!! :)
What an amazing job dad & Katie did! they make a great team. Can't wait to see their next creation.
this is just amazing!!!
i want one too..haha
Hi Lori ~ Wow, that is such a amazing project and idea. I agree,. Jeff could go into business.
And the little helper, Katie did a great job on her part too!
I love Elizabeth's bed ~ it's beautiful!
I have missed so many of you, I hope to be by more often....a few weeks ago, I just got back into blogging.
Hi Lori
Oh WOW Jeff did great. The bed is gorgeous. Those american girl dolls will be fighthing over who gets to sleep in it! So when does he start on the camper van?
oh my, how WONDERFUL! I love that they did something like that together.....and the end result is stunning :-)
Beautiful bed, and beautiful girl!! Amazing the difference in the price!! Katies smile lights up the world!! XO Fran.
WOW!! He did an amazing job!! I love it! So so cute!
ADORABLE! I have American Girl dolls from when I was younger but they did not have all the fun accessories. :)What a great handyman you got there, and cute painter! Love, Val!
That is fabulous! Jeff could make a fortune in the doll furniture business! I love that they did this project as a team! What a great memory! That's a family heirloom now:)
Wow...they did a SUPER job!
Lori, what a beautiful bed!! It is amazing how much AG charges for these items and how inexpensively they can be made. They have to make $$ too I guess. My oldest daughter, Megan had a Kirsten doll and she had someone in the woodshop at school make her a bed and we painted and stencilled it just like the one in the catalog!
Now, that is unbelievably cool! It turned out fantastic!
very cool... love the idea of making your own :)
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