As a child, I never enjoyed history. Too many dates to memorize and boring facts that seemed to have no meaning in my life. Perhaps it was the textbooks, the teacher? I'm not sure. Anyway, as an adult I have become fascinated with history. The book pictured above is what I use for home schooling. It is amazing! Even if you don't home school it is worth reading. You will be amazed at what you have forgotten and/or what you never learned before.
We are currently studying Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, Ferdinand and Isabelle (King and Queen of Spain who funded Columbus' expedition) and the Spanish Inquisition. We are reading To The Edge of the World to go along with our studies. It is fiction based on fact. The main character is a young boy named Mateo that loses his parents to the Plague and must seek his fortune at the age of 14. He ends up becoming a cabin boy with Ferdinand Magellan as his captain. It is quite an adventure and we are all enjoying it.
By the way, did you know that Katherine of Aragon (King Henry VIII's first wife) was Ferdinand and Isabella's (King and Queen of Spain) daughter? This was news to me. This brings me to the book that I am enjoying- just for me.:-)
Have any of you read this book? It is keeping me up way too late at night. My images of King Henry VIII were never like this! Yes, he was young at one time, too. Too bad he was such a selfish jerk! Friends, I am learning that history is never boring...