Hey Girlies! Long time, no write- again! Oh, but I do love to visit your blogs and see what you are up to...
Here's a look at what we have been up to...
I was in a Thanksgiving Swap with my dear friend, Elise and she made me this AMAZING cloche! LOVE it! My pumpkins are so cozy inside their new home.:)
She also made me this FABULOUS pumpkin, a lovely tag and a sweet Scrabble set that spells out "grateful". I am so grateful for you, Elise! Thank you again for the goodies!
This is Mr. Turkey that Katie made for Thanksgiving. I got the idea here. Great ideas!!
Grandpa John and Grandma Patty spent Thankgiving with us and stayed for the Nutcracker. They are always so much fun!
The Nutcracker was amazing. It was such an honor for Katie to take part in the production! This is Katie and her dear friend that came to see her perform.:)
Jeff bought flowers for both his girls.:)
I love this picture...
The "Katie twins" both were bumblebees!
I wanted so badly to take a picture of Katie in her costume, but parents were not allowed back stage. Sooo, I had to settle for pictures before and after the performance.
Nutcrackers displayed in the lobby...
Well, I was back stage for a second. SO MANY fabulous picture opportunities! Gorgeous costumes were everywhere! sigh... All I was able to get was a picture of the bumble bee tu-tu's and a sign showing where the Bees and Candy Canes got dressed before I was "escorted" out. I would never make it as a spy.
One last picture (below) of Katie and her friend, Lillibeth who was a Block. What an amazing experience...

Sweet photos Lori...I would never make a good 'spy' either, tee hee! The Thanksgiving table and projects are all adorable...you are so creative!
Jamie :)
ah! I can't handle the cuteness of your katie, omg!
How fun!!
Hi Lori
Glad your Thanksgiving went well. Love your swap goodies and your table looked gorgeous.
Sounds like Katie was a star in The Nutcraker. How I wish we could have been there to watch. The picture of Katie and Jeff is really beautiful and the pretty one of Mandy too with the flowers is lovely. I love how you tried to sneek back stage in true Nanacy Drew style!
Sending much love.
I love everything you get on your swaps...There are some seriously talented women in blogland.
I adore all the photos of the girls at the Nutcracker-So cute (and Amanda is beautiful) Speaking of beautiful...Hello Patty! She is very striking!
It looks like you have been very busy but having a wonderful time in the process! I love that!
I'm looking forward to seeing all the crafting you have been talking about on Facebook! :)
Your pictures are so adorable... they spell LOVE and FAMILY all over the place! Big congrats to Katie...I can only imagine what an exciting night that must have been! All of your swap goodies make me drool! :)
Lovin' your swap goodies, and the nutcracker pics are FUN!
Everything looks beautiful. The Nutcracker sounds great. How sweet for your little girl to be in it.
what amazing photos, the girls look so happy...! thanks for sharing with us! Your table looked wonderful!
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!
Your Thanksgiving table was beautiful, and I like all the craft gifts you received and all your projects too!
And the Nutcracker pictures are priceless! Your girls are beautiful, and I love that flowers were given to both girls! So sweet!
Blessings to you and your family!
Love, Eileen
What a sweet Daddy your girls have!! So glad you like your goodies!! Oh, your Thanksgiving table is gorgeous...
What sweet pictures of the girls Lori! That was nice of your hubby to buy flowers for both girls! What a nice Dad! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving!
Love all the pictures of the Nutcracker night...It looks magical...and the pumpkin cloche is adorable!!!
Katie is just sooo cute..she makes me smile. What a treat to see The Nutcracker AND have your daughter in it...neato mosquito! I love that hubby gets the girls flowers...that is just too stinkin precious..what a guy you have! Love your little family, girlie...ya all are just so sweet!
Hugs ~ Angie
everything looked so pretty!!!! and we are so sad we missed Katie in the Nutcracker this year...maybe next year! :) I know she was a doll!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Your Thanksgiving table is beautiful! Maybe next year I'll get to host Thanksgiving and can create a beautiful table.
How wonderful that Katie was able to be in the Nutcracker. Both my girls are performing in the Nutcracker here and we have almost reached the end of rehearsals. It is amazing how different the Nutcracker ballet is from place to place. We don't have Bees or Candy Canes...
Hey Lori,
Press alt and 0164 on your mac and see if it makes a heart. IF it does I think I have the codes for you...~♥
I love the pictures!! How fun that your little sweetie was in the Nutcracker...I love the Nutcracker!
You got such wonderful things from your bloggy friends...lucky girl!
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