Now, I need to tell you some things that make me happy. giggle. smile. feel joy....
My girlies. What would life be like without them? I never want to know. Did you know that before I got married I never wanted children? I was so afraid that I would not survive labor, as my Mom had a terrible time with me. It was worth it- every second. They are my world.:)
Whose Line is it Anyway? This show is so incredibly hilarious! I never fail to have tears in my eyes over the comedy that these people create. How do they do it??!
The Karate Kid. Never wanted to see it. THE dumbest name. Oh, but what a story! I know the lines by heart- no joke. Daniel Laruso and Mr. Miyagi are true heroes in my book.

Fabric. Someday I will sew. I want so badly to join Julie in her Scarf Along. Maybe I will. Yes, fabrics make me happy!:)
The ocean. We used to live near one and never went. I thought we would always be close to it. How the sea calls to me...
A cozy fire on a snowy day. What a luxury! A snuggly quilt, good book and a mug of hot chocolate and I am set...

My husband. He cracks himself up (and me too). Adore him. He wants to see New Moon with me, too.:)
Now, I would like to pass this award on to some friends that make me truly happy!
Jill- Pocket Full of Posies
Heather- Six Scavos
Lindsay- The Cross Stitch House
Robin- The Robin's Nest
Elise- Nest Sweet Nest
Val- Yarni Gras
Jes- Kadyhope
Jen- Lipstick and Laundry
Tristan- Tristan Time
Thank you so much, Nancy, for this wonderful award! Enjoy, dear friends! Thank you for making my days just a little bit more creative, happy and full of joy!:)
You make me happy... I got some great mail! Thank you for the card and the little gifty...That really made me smile!
I love this post and all the great photos in it!
I think you should start sewing...Scarfs are super easy.
Okay, off to bed for me...I work tomorrow. There is some serious candy needing to be sold.
Hi Lori
Thank you so much for the award. I can honestly say that you and your family do make us truly happy too. We are so thrilled to have you as part of our family and our lives.
I enjoyed how you shared the things you love with the great pictures. The picture of Amanda and Katie is gorgeous. As you know I love the ocean too. Maybe one day we will get to go together? Buttons always remind me of you and I hope one day you get to sew. I am sure you would be great at it.
This was such a sweet post!
And it's so nice to get to know you a little bit better!
I love reading about the people and things you hold near and dear to your heart!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Love and Prayers,
Yippee!!! Good news from Morning Glories & Moonflowers. What a great post ~ but did you know how many people would say that you make them happy? I am one. I love reading about your life, your darling girls and how creative and interesting you make your life. Thankful for happiness and for you.
What a sweet award, tee hee! That pic of your husband is funny too. And I love the way you have your buttons organized...good idea!
Jamie :)
What a lovely post Lori! You do have many things to be thankful for!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
I enjoyed your list & the photos were great too! Those cupcakes sure look yummy. Enjoy :)
Aww...you definitely make a lot of us happy! So, congrats on your award! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Lori! I'm a huge fan of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" too!
the "never wanting children" made me laugh...I couldn't imagine you without those cuties!!
I love what makes you happy..so fun!!
I am not a fan of that movie..lol..but I do catch myself calling chris grasshopper all the time..lol!
I'll get on this..um...hmmm...maybe later tonight,lol!
Great award for a great gal! Enjoyed the post and pics. Your hubby is so funny! Have fun!
Great post! I especially got a kick out of hubby's mutated head. : )
And the Party below was one to beat ALL!!! Everything looked like pure magic. And the Scottie Dog PJs were
just too cute.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
You know YOU make my day dear friend!!! Thank you SO much for the sweet award! I loved your list...YOU not having children??? YOU are the greatest mom!!! so glad you changed your mind!! :)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
I love this post...how cute that your husband and you have fun together!
sandy toe
oh my! how sweet. I came to read your post today and got an award! Now isn't that the BEST!
Thank you sweetie!
I love your list. You just make me smile, girl! Seriously smile. "Whose Line is it anyways.." Hello! One of the best shows ever. So funny. I went to a taping about 9 years ago. So. so. fun. They actually picked my sister to come up and do the three headed opera star with her in the center. Priceless. Hope you make the pie, by the way. You can so do it! I am your cheerleader. :) xoxo
Hi Sweet Lori!!
I LOVED this post...it is always fun and exciting to learn new things about your friends :)
My oldest daughter took me to see New Moon last night...it was fun hearing all the tween girls screaming :) We had a nice time..
I love the beach too :)
You have a lovely family...
Thanks for this post...it was a joy to visit and read :)And made me Happy!!
Love You....Jerelene
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
(sorry, I forgot to say that :)
Love you...Jerelene
Congrats on your award. I always enjoy visiting you blog, always leave with a smile. Thank you.
Your girls are looking so big!
Congrats on the award. I always enjoy visiting your blog. I am addicted to books, too and I love fabrics!!
Hi Lori! What a great post! I loved hearing what you like and don't. It always amazes me that things we think we won't like, we end up liking. :) I never had the desire to travel...as I get older it calls to me. Thank you for sharing. I have missed so many of my blog friends being that we have all this going on here...glad you stopped by and brought a smile to my face!
Hugs to you,
Tell Jeff that Tim took the pictures. He helped me get up there and was just cracking up at me! I had to laugh, I was seriously having a hard time letting go of the ladder and taking that big step up YET I didn't have an ounce of fear when I jumped out of an airplane at 10,000 feet. Tim was right behind me with my bottom in his face trying to tell me what foot to move and when! I'm sure it was a sight to see! Egad. He sure got a big kick out of me-I'm such a dork. He knows better not to take the ladder away... The wrath of Robin is not a pretty deal! Plus he likes staying on my good side for the extra added benefits IF you know what I mean and I think you do! Ha Ha!
I have been working hard to come up with 25 different things to show for the 25 days of Christmas. I have a bunch of ideas written down and it's been alot of fun so far!
I cannot wait to see your post tonight!!!!!!
P.S. I JUST beat your Bejeweled score little sis! tee hee!
I love your list. These things make me happy too! And so do you!
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