My old dentist went back to school.
His replacement is a real charmer.
He looked in my mouth and said, "What have you been
I do grind my teeth at night, but come on!
Don't you hate it when you are at the mercy of someone
Spent 3 hours in the chair with the OTHER dentist in the
practice a few days later for a filling and a crown. (He's a
bit of a perfectionist and I was loving the happy gas.)
My chart (and all the members of my family) states that we
will NEVER see the new guy again.
Don't ever settle, dear friends.

rode roller coasters all day. Not our cup of tea. We get our thrills
by shopping and...
to make sure her earrings are still there.:) We went to Claire's
and they were professional and friendly.
buy them...
Hi Lori
Mandy looks great in her new hat. She really suits hats. I will remember that.
Katie's ears look really pretty. She was so brave at Claires. Glad you all had fun days.
Love your girl scout troop picture. Jessica has so many fun memories of her Brownie/Girl Guide days.
That's great you found a new dentist you are happy with. We meet our new one on Thursday. Hope she is ok! Fingers crossed!
love it
Katie picked some very pretty earrings! Love Mandy's hat! My daughter can wear a hat too! Very pretty jewelry heading to your shop!
I hate the dentist and finding one you love and trust is a hard! Good for you for saying no more of the new guy!
I so agree about the dentist!
I followed my OB out of town, when he moved his practice. I just can't settle for anything less than what I've been getting. You don't let good doctors (or dentists) get away!
Your necklaces are fabulous! I especially like the Leave Me Breathless one. Sooo-oo pretty!
Wow, your daughter was brave. Did Claire's do both ears at the same time? My daughter still isn't ready yet, which is fine. I'm just waiting. :)
Love the hat, too!!
We have the same thing in our dental chart. There is one dentist in our office that does shoddy work-So our whole family has that we will only see the other dentist no matter what.
Mandy DOES look great in hats, so does Ronnie, I can pull off a baseball hat BUT that's about it!
I love Katies earrings! Looks like Claire's did a wonderful job!
I'm just taking a little break before I post my chalkboard craft/sure hope I can get it on my blog before tonight! They have been done for a while but I need to accessories them and do the photo shoot! That tends to be the longest part of posting!
Happy Monday,
We have rain and wind here and have for a few days, I'm good with that!
your girls look lovely! happy gas...I hope it worked!
Love the pics of the girls!! I'm so into hats right Mandy's new one! She does look great in it! I LOVE Katie's new exciting for her! :)
GORGEOUS new stuff for the store!!
Hope you're having a great Monday!♥
oh Lori! tell Katie - R.E. got her ears pierced too!!! (2 months ago)
and Mandy looks so cute in her hat!
Hope you are done with the dentist forever too! :)
Many Blessings!
Hi Lori! I love Katie's earrings! Mandy's hat is great too!
I hate going to the dentist anyway! Don't blame you for wanting to keep the dentist you trust!
Earrings look so cute on her!
Your necklaces are beautiful! You're one creative lady!
Love, Love, Love Mandy's hat!!! Where did you find it? I would love one in that color! She is just too cute in it....maybe I don't want one b/c then I'd always feel inferior for not pulling it off as well as she does!
Love Katie's earrings, too. We used Claires for both girls and were pleased with them.
Love Mandy's hat. Katie was so brave! Yeah!! I have promised Anna that she can get her ears pierced on her next birthday--it's in July so I have plenty of time to prepare myself! Lovely new necklaces. What a happy Monday!!
Oh memories of "switching" dentist. If you don't care for the guy who has a drill to your teeth, well then you have to change. Hope you find someone wonderful. Love the cute earrings that Katie picked. Very cute. I love, love, love the two necklace and bracelets. You are so talented. glad to hear that the ear piercing went fine...Katie looks so cute! I want Mandy's hat!
I got a crown put on not too long ago, so I really feel for you. Sounds like your new dentist is working out, though, so that makes it easier. Enjoy your day!
I think it's SO important to have a dentist that you LOVE. I've switched a couple times over the years when I just wasn't happy. I figure, for the amount of money you pay at the dentist, you should LOVE the doctor you are seeing! I look so forward to the day that my little girl will get her ears pierced! If she continues to be such a fraidy-cat, she might just be 35 by the time that happens. Hee-hee! Don't get me wrong, she's only 4 so there's no rush. In a few years, I might start casually bringing it up. :-) Love your gorgeous jewelry and that cute hat too!
Your darling girls are growing up, Lori. So cute!!! : )
MANDY!!! YOUR SMILING WITH TEETH..I'M SO PROUD!! good job! You are just so beautiful..I love your smile!!
Katie..way to go..your growing up!!
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