It's time to make my Wish List! Yippee! Do you all make wish lists? I figure that I am now 40 so I am not going to hold back. I am going to wish like I have never wished before. Why not? I have the most fun buying gifts for my girls, but it would lovely to get one or two things that I am secretly (not anymore!) wishing for.:)
Love, love, love personalized stationery and stickers and this lady delivers!

I love your list... It has everything from things that hardly cost anything to er, well, Tiffany's! Love that!
I'm so happy someone else is thinking about Christmas. I have been putting little yellow post-it notes with labels on them all over in magazines...You know, things I want to craft.
I've been racking my brain trying to think about what I want and I just can't come up with anything.(YET!) I guess I just want to be able to go on some little day trips with Tim after Christmas. We are both probably going to be so busy before Christmas(being it's UPS busiest season) that we will need a break afterwards!
I hope all your wishes come true little sis~♥
This was adorable! And it's nice to get to know you a little better through your 'wish list'!
I'm not hard to please as the gifts that mean most to me are things like beach glass, seashells, driftwood, anything home-made or hand-made. And some of my favorite gifts are things that my family 'found' in another's trash pile!
But I do love the idea of stationary!! Especially now that Jerelene has started our pen-pal program, I really need to get myself some nice notepaper!
This list was great! Thanks for sharing!
PS ~ I'd much rather have one of your beautiful pieces than one of Tiffany's!
Fun wish list, Lori!!! I would love a completely clean house, that would go on my wish list for sure! Maybe silly but it would be wonderful!!!
Hi Lori
I hope you get everything on your exciting wish list. I can't really think of anything I desperately want except YOU coming to visit. That would be more than great!
Ya was trying to think of a list of things I want..and besides that kitchen's all stuff for the baby..LOL.
Love your list Lori! I don't know what I want, hmmm...but I have definitely been gathering up some great ideas for others, tee hee.
Jamie :)
OOOOH! I like everything on your list too...I REALLY want a cricut too- a few real "sewing" lessons :) and oh goodness just anything!!! I'm so easy to please!:) I LOVE everything!!!
Have a great week!
Many Blessings!
I make Wish~Lists, too... aren't they fun?! Yours is terrific, and I hope that Santa will bring you some of your desires... One thing I'm wishing for is my craft room to be finished... oh, and a clean house, too... tee~heeee!
Your blog is so pretty... I've had you on my favorites for awhile, and have just recently added the Follower feature so now I can keep up better...
Hope you're having a wonderful day...
~ blessings ~
Love your list!! You NEED a Cricut. Hear that Santa???
Um...I want a covered button bracelet. Saw it on a blog somewhere and ever since, I can't get my mind off it.
Oh, I would love to have my brick backsplash and some beadboard up on the walls.
Other than that, I cannot think of much. Probably cash to go junkin' with. Yep, that would be my favorite!!
Oh, What I would do for a tiny blue box.. HA!
The cricut was on my wish list last year. My husband didn't understand it. I told him it was like how he likes to have tools for when he needs to do a house project. A lightbulb went on... he got it. I had to speak his language, I guess. My wish list... a vacation???
What a fun list with so much variety :)
My hubby is always telling me to make lists - for so MANY reasons ;) - so maybe I need to work on one!
Happy November :)
You sure do have some goodies picked out! I can't believe it's time to think about Christmas already. My oldest son and I were talking about Christmas last night while we were driving home. I have two things in mind that I need/want: a GPS for my car and a new camera. Right now, I'm excited to decorate. We're going to get a real tree this year. Last year, we moved in our house 1 week before Christmas, so I got a tree up but not much more. Can't wait to get started!
Wow...that is some kind of list you have going there! Very impressive...especially the Tiffany's idea...hint, hint! :)
I haven't even started my list yet...I need to get crackin'! Have a great day, Lori!
Great list...but what I really enjoyed was the fabulous post below about your trip to Dallas and all the fun you had. I can't get over all that AG has to offer these days. What a darling idea with the hair stylists and having lunch with your dolls.
Your party looked like a total success as well. LOVED the costumes and activities. Even hubby got into the spirit with his Pirate costume. So glad you and yours enjoyed the Season. : )
Last night Rusty asked me what was on my wish list--a box of brown sugar toaster pastries all for my lonesome--was all I could think of.
I'll have to think on that and get back to you!!! I love YOUR list though!!!
I need to start thinking about my list! I love your list....especially the blue box!
I love your list...
I'm looking to unload my CRICUT if you ever want to cut a deal :):)
on my list is a KINDLE!!!
just last night my honey asked what i wanted for Christmas...i need to think about it, but your list is sweet!
Great goodies on your wish list. I think mine is just too long to post. I do know that I would really love one of the Cricut machines, too. Oh the endless possibilities with that great little machine.
I love your nice big photos! They show of your bracelets so much better.
I love the pink, white and silver ones. I think I will put these on my wish list!
You know I am with you on the Nancy Drew stuff!! Oh please Santa send me Nancy Drew things!! LOL You go girl with your wish list, you are an awesome person and I think you should get it all!! Even what might be in that little blue box, we all would love to have!!! I would even take the empty box!! tee hee! Keep us posted on what you get!! XO Fran.
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