My precious family bought me a new camera for Christmas!
After I recovered from this wonderful surprise, my old camera
came back to life.
It figures.

After years of enjoyment, it is no longer reliable so I am keeping
the new camera.
And the new telephoto lens.:)
Of course I had to order the sweetest camera bag to keep them safe.

Mandy's delicious idea. Godiva. I am sharing, but no one better touch the caramels.
She told me when she gets married she doesn't want any "stupid diamonds" from her husband, just Godiva.;)

Everyone thinks he's a girl. Pretty boy.
Thank you for all your gorgeous Christmas cards. I am loving them. They are displayed on my framed bulletin board for all to see.
We have been snuggling a lot by the fire. Love this time of year. No snow, but I am sure we will get our share. Hope you are staying warm and cozy.