I love this picture. My girls, for the most part, get along really well. They play Barbies together, pretend they are Laura and Mary from Little House on the Prairie in the back yard, and even do yoga together. It's so wonderful seeing them give eachother joy! Katie idolizes Mandy and Mandy is Katie's protector. I wonder what they will remember fom their childhood? I recall "adventures of the Greber sisters" from my younger years with my sister. I was not the best big sister as I often thought my little sister was a pest. Now, as I see my girls together, I feel really badly about that. I can see both sides of the story. Being younger is not always the easiest. Amy was my life preserver when we were in a new situation. She kept me afloat! Who could forget roller skating in Canada or the anniversary party at the Paxton's? We relied on eachother often. She was also the one who killed spiders for me- my hero! The Greber Sisters have graduated to "Toot and Puddle" but that is another story.:-)
My girls do not always get along but here are some times I will never forget. My grandmother gave my girls each a water globe one Christmas. You know, those fun items that snow when you shake them up? I believe there was a snowman inside. Mandy accidentally dropped hers and was extremely upset. You could just see it on her face! Katie didn't miss a beat and said, "Mandy, you can have mine." At the tender age of 3, Katie knew that Mandy was hurting and wanted to make her feel better. They agreed to share the remaining snow globe and both were happy.
Mandy is never afraid to speak up for Katie. On more than one occasion, another child has said or done something cruel to Katie and Mandy has stepped right in and told them that was not allowed! She says it in a very grown up way- no yelling, just matter of fact. I am so proud of her! She is the protector!