I have been a naughty girl.For years I have trashed my body.
Junk food, little or no exercise, late nights and STRESS. I am the queen of it.
No more.
My body is speaking to me in no uncertain terms and I must get my act together.
God and I have been talking, too.
I am more than thankful He is in my life.
Now I eat homemade (quick cooking) oatmeal for breakfast.
It's good!
Add a bit of brown sugar and it's almost like a dessert.
Trust me!
I walked 3 miles with my partner tonight.I even ran a bit!
It felt better than good.
Better than a brownie!
My New Balance shoes were worth the extra money.
You can get them at TJ Maxx.
Check it out!
Guess who I listened to on my Ipod?Justin Bieber!
We saw his movie for the THIRD time today. (Jeff was such a sport. Yes, he liked it, too!)
It gets better each time. It pumps you up and the message is just what I needed.
His story is amazing.
Anyone that hates him is jealous. period.
If you have been thinking or like me- dreaming- of getting healthy, just do it.
I will be cheering for you. Pray about it and God will give you strength.
**And to celebrate your weight loss and new health, stop over at April's blog! She is having a Shabby Apple giveaway!!:)**