I have never given anything up for Lent.
I thought it was Catholics only.
Is it?
Well, I am going to give my sweet Dew and her BFF's up for Lent this year.
My bubbly obsession. My sweet desire. I will miss you.

I am 42 years old.
I am a natural follower.
The Lord wants me to break out and try something new.
I felt that God was talking to me in church today.
It's time to start a girl's Bible study.
In my home.
Any suggestions for a book we could use?
I would like to offer a snack and perhaps a little activity, too.
Once or twice a month.
I don't do well in big groups- like church.
I like church, don't get me wrong, I just haven't found my niche.
I feel lost.
This is something I could do in my home where I am comfy.:)
All young ladies would be welcome.
I have been so blessed in my life.
It's time to give back.
Good luck with your break from Mountain Dew for Lent. I have a guy in my office who drinks the Dew and he tried giving it up to no avail! I think you are one strong woman and Lori I know you can do it!! Good luck with your Bible Study. Sometimes you find more comfort and learning from smaller bible study groups than going to Church every Sunday. I have nothing against going to Church don't get me wrong, but you have to follow your heart on this. Good Luck to you and Hugs for being you!!
Oh Lori--you will be a great bible study teacher for girls! I wished we lived closer so we could come. I gave up electronics for Lent once. It was a great time and my house was never cleaner with all my spare time. Miss you my dear friend.
I've never given up anything for Lent, either, Lorrie...just not something our denomination has ever done, but I can see the positives from it. It's a way of drawing you nearer to God. Good luck with with your journey to give up Mountain Dew...you can do it!:) Starting a Bible study class in your home sounds like such fun...and I'm sure it would be a big hit!
Hi Lori
I think it's wonderful that you are starting a Girl's Bible Study class at your house. You will be an excellent leader I am sure. I really admire you for doing this. I don't feel comfortable in big groups either. Wish I could come to yours though :) I'll ask Tim if he can recommend a book. We have a whole 'library' of those sort of books!
I have never seen or tried The Mountain Dew. Tim has tried to give up Coca Cola for lent. He bought some low sugar cheap coke and he said it was horrible!
I think a girls bible study is a wonderful idea! If we lived nearby, we would join you!
You will be GREAT.
What a wonderful idea!!
Lori you rock! I think you'll rock a Bible Study with the young ladies!
This sounds so perfect for you! I am sure you will be a great leader for the girls! I can't wait to hear how this goes for you. I think a lot of people struggle with feeling lost and not having their niche in church. But few think to make their own. I have to commend you for hearing God's voice and obeying!
I am *trying* to give up sugar for Lent. I did it one year. But this year I am struggling so badly. I have already cheated! Bleah! Cadbury Creme Eggs are my downfall.
Lori Good for you!! Who knows you may not even go back to the Dew!! Small groups are more intimate and I believe you can learn more that way! Besides it doesn't matter where you worship God! I have even had church on the beach and rocks near the lake. How much closer can you be to God? I think its just having that daily walk with HIM that matters most! Am I preaching it or what!! LOL No matter how you do it Lori you will please HIM!! Love ya sista!! XO Fran.
Very impressive, Lori. Both on the Mt. Dew and the Bible Study group for your girls and their friends. : )
Good luck with both.
We have been using One Girl Can Change the World for our middle-school aged girls' Bible study. (It could also be used for high school, for sure.) It is AWESOME! You can find it at amazon.com. Be sure to get the leader's guide, too--it has some great activities.
I've wondered this too! I've thought, with all the fish that pops up on restaurant billlboards during Lent, surely Catholics aren't the only ones that have Lenten practices like this...
I think your bible study sounds great! I'm trying to think if I've seen one around that would be appropriate....
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