About Me
- mysteryhistorymom
- Mysteries, polka dots, California Rolls, TJ Maxx, cozy blankets, rainy days and getting the first spoonful of peanut butter out of the jar make me smile. Spiders, rude people, cold fingers and toes, baby leashes, people that don't wrap their packages before going to the Post Office, poison ivy and Math (pretty much all of it) make me want to scream. My perfect day would be spent with my wonderful husband and sweet girls- watching movies in our jammies! Of course, having the movie theater to ourselves would be great, too. Please pass the popcorn and M&M's.:) I am saved by the grace of God. He is my constant companion and hears my every prayer. What a blessing! I'd love to hear from you! Lori at toosillysisters@cox.net
Monday, March 31, 2008

Row, Row, Row your Boat...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Candlelight Hour
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Educational Fair
Jeff was able to come which was a special treat. The girls stood by their projects and answered questions from the judges and others. After all was said and done, Katie tied for 1st place in the preschool category and Mandy tied for 4th place (with her good friend, Hannah) in the 4th grade category! We were so proud of them! We all learned a lot and the girls got experience in public speaking, too.

Thursday, March 27, 2008
We wish they lived closer....
Gumdrop Flowers
Monday, March 24, 2008
"God Grew Tired of Us"

Button Flowers
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Fun
Happy Easter everyone! We had a wonderful, although very chilly day. We got to church (just 2 minutes late) and the church was so full we had to sit in the front row. I've always been afraid to sit in the first row, so this was my first time! You know what? I really loved it! I felt so much more connected to the minister and the girls were very well behaved, too. (They usually are, but you never know what will happen in the first pew...) Perhaps we will sit in the front row again next week.:-)
The Easter Bunny hopped by with some treats for the girls, which is always fun, but I'm proud to say Mandy and Katie both know the true reason of why Easter is so special. Today we celebrate the fact that Jesus is alive! He died for us and arose from the grave 3 days later. It is so overwhelming for me to think of His sacrifice.
We went out for brunch and had the most wonderful meal. Katie even bumped into her friend, Taylor, which helped with the 40 minute wait. Once we were seated, Katie could hardly sit still as she knew that we would have our Easter egg hunt when we got home!:-)
Daddy hid eggs in the backyard for the girls- over and over and over.:-) When he got tired, Mandy took over the job and hid them for Katie. Then later, Katie hid eggs in the house for Daddy. We should have egg hunts more often, don't you think?
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Personalized Journals
Who's up for a Mystery?
You know the best part about these games? Besides the fact that you get to act silly and solve a mystery (who doesn't love that?) you get to pretend that you are someone else for a night. Someone exotic, mysterious and, most of the time, rich. Plus, there are secrets.:-) OK, who's ready to solve a mystery with me?
Postcard Kids Project
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Hugo and friends...

My sister adopted the little cutie pie on the left. She named him Hugo.:-) Isn't he precious? Unfortunately, things did not work out, and she is so sad about it... Anyway, he has found a new home so things will work out for the best. Don't worry, Amy!
The other picture is one that she shared with me of some other cute pugs. I love it and thought you would, too! It definitely makes you smile and we can all use that...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Seven Things about Me
I've been tagged by http://thehappyhomeschoolmom.blogspot.com!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share seven facts about yourself (some random, some weird).
3. Tag seven people by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Seven Things about Me
1. I am allergic to guinea pigs (of all things...)
2. I love hosting murder mystery parties (guests come dressed in character and a crime is solved) and dream about doing it for a living. I use period clothing, music, props, etc.!
3. I love having my hair brushed. It's as relaxing as a massage.
4. I am very afraid of spiders, although I am SO much better than I used to be.
5. I hate clowns.
6. I love the idea of Starbucks, but don't like coffee.
7. I HATE leashes people put on their children. Leashes are for dogs.
I am tagging:
Denita at http://homesteadblogger.com/bluegrassridge/
Carla at http://thriftinandcraftin.blogspot.com
Roxanne at http://thedragovich5.blogspot.com
Melanie at http://slightlycrunchycatholic.blogspot.com
Jessica at http://BareFootInTheBackYard.blogspot.com
Allison at http://sewmanygirls.blogspot.com
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Quilt Give Away!

Monday, March 17, 2008
My Easter Basket!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
My Love List
My Love List
I love folding clothes when they are still warm from the dryer. I love lying on the beach with
a fabulous mystery, a cold soda and no responsibilities. I love impossibly soft, worn flannel sheets on a cold
night. I love opening a new box of crayons. I love warm brownies, fresh from the oven and
cold milk with ice cubes. I love watching snow fall. I love spending time with animals- they
ask for little and give much. I love taking pictures with my digital camera and getting
immediate gratification. I love sharing pictures. I love finding goodies in TJ Maxx and Target.
I love the cool, quietness of book stores and libraries. I love getting ideas from magazines and
friends and bringing them to life. I love seeing the first shoots of green poking their heads
through the soil and knowing that your planting was a success. I love opening presents slowly
as the day is over too quickly. I love the thought of Ireland- green, lush and full of mystery. I
love Nancy Drew and the idea that one day I may actually be able to solve a mystery. I love
red, juicy, home grown tomatoes- still warm from the sun. I love
matinee movies and (if you're lucky) having the theater all to yourself. I love the sound of the
ocean and the taste of salt on your lips at the end of the day. I love all kinds of music and the
ways they can make you feel. I love the song "Oh, Holy Night" and how it always makes me
want to cry. I love salt and vinegar potato chips- they always remind me of the beach. I love
the rush of concerts- electric! I love rainy days with no obligations. I love coming home at
the end of day and feeling content, safe and loved.
I challenge you to make your own Love List. The only catch? You can't include a single person you know on your list. No "I love the way my husband laughs" or "I love hearing my little girl call for me." It'll be tough, I know. But this particular exercise is about stripping away everyone who defines you and figuring out what you truly love. My Charmed Life inspired me!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tooth Fairy
Josh Groban
We love Josh Groban. In fact, Katie is going to marry him. Just ask her. The girls fell in love with him when they heard this song. We have no idea what they are saying, but it sounds wonderful.:-) It's originally sung with Andrea Corr and her two sisters which sounds so much better, but she does look pretty and tries her best. Love the instruments, so interesting and Irish! Listen and enjoy.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
"Select one state a week and focus your reading, games, songs, and words on that state. Scholastic's The Kids Book of the Fifty Great States should prove helpful. If this week is Mississippi week, how about cooking up some shrimp scampi and learning about gators and kudzu?"
I thought this would be so much fun to add to our home schooling schedule! Each month has lots of things to think about and try out. Let me know what you think.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Easter Basket Swap
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Brown Shoebox Swap
"You and Me" Time
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