Sometimes I see myself like the Dad's girlfriend in "The Parent Trap". I'm not hateful like her, but when it comes to nature (remember when they took her camping?!) I am one big weenie. Today I decided to buck up and suggest a nature hike. Hey, if I can bring my camera along I can do almost anything. Off we went, and I am so glad we did...
About Me
- mysteryhistorymom
- Mysteries, polka dots, California Rolls, TJ Maxx, cozy blankets, rainy days and getting the first spoonful of peanut butter out of the jar make me smile. Spiders, rude people, cold fingers and toes, baby leashes, people that don't wrap their packages before going to the Post Office, poison ivy and Math (pretty much all of it) make me want to scream. My perfect day would be spent with my wonderful husband and sweet girls- watching movies in our jammies! Of course, having the movie theater to ourselves would be great, too. Please pass the popcorn and M&M's.:) I am saved by the grace of God. He is my constant companion and hears my every prayer. What a blessing! I'd love to hear from you! Lori at
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Fall Decorating Continued....
Decorating is still going on at my house! It's just so fun! Today I put together a ton of ribbons to make a swag for the living room mantle. I adore ribbons and I think the swag is a nice addition to the room. Can you believe there are no pumpkins here??
Giggling Girls
Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous and we spent the afternoon with some of our best home school buddies. It was part play day, part curriculum sale. Katie and Arianna spent their time swinging, playing on the bars and giggling and Mandy and Maria spent their time doing typical pre-teen stuff (Don't you remember those days? So fun. I'm sure the topic of boys came up at some point.:-) ) I got to visit with my fantastic and fun friend, Sue, and we all had a wonderful time!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I Admit It...
I admit it. I am addicted to reality TV. "The Mole" just ended and, boy, was I surprised at who the mole was! Now I have set my sights on the new season of "The Amazing Race" and "Survivor"! The shows are completely mindless and that's why I like them. They are the perfect way to escape from life's craziness for an hour.:-)
If you had your choice, which show would you be a contestant on? There is no way I could make it on "Survivor" with the spiders, nasty drinking water, the challenges and the lack of basic necessities. And, oh yeah, no food. I would be begging for them to kick me off. I could try "The Amazing Race", although Jeff has told me we would have to quit if there was a sky diving challenge. My bags would be packed, Sweetie.:-)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Firefly Hill Designs
Here is one more lovely Etsy seller that I wanted to tell you about. Annie at Firefly Hill (Don't you adore that name? I can just see children catching fireflies on a warm summer night) makes the yummiest purses and belts! Look at the amazing fabrics! You must stop by her shop and take a peek...

Monday, August 25, 2008
Filling up my Wish List...
It's almost September and the flurry of Fall activities are in motion! Are you ready for Christmas? My amazing friend, Robin, is certainly putting me in the mood for it! She is currently hosting a "Stocking Swap"! Doesn't that sound like fun?! I was the first person to sign up and I knew you did not want to miss out!:-)
Robin is also getting ready for the opening of her new Etsy shop! The grand opening for "Kindred Crows" (love the name!) will be next Monday...

Sensational Swaps!
The girls and I have been receiving the most lovely packages in the mail! Katie's swap partner, Isabella, sent her some glittery treasures from the Kid's Summer Swap. Take a look!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Slowly Getting it Together
Decorated Blackboard
I have gotten so many wonderful ideas from my creative blogging friends, so I thought I would share one of my ideas with you! Perhaps you have seen something like this before, but maybe not...
I bought a blackboard at Hobby Lobby and decided to embellish it with flowers, ivy and glass baubles! All you need it your handy dandy glue gun, a ton of flowers and greenery and some of those round glass things with the flat sides. You know, people sometimes put them in fish bowls?:-) Everything can be purchased at Wal Mart and it works as a blackboard/wall art.:-)
Art Classes and our Pumpkin Nursery
Yesterday was the first day of art classes. My girls were able to visit with friends, chat and create "masterpieces".:-) Their art will be saved for an art show at the end of the year. Isn't that the greatest idea? Each child will feel an incredible sense of accomplishment seeing their creations on display. I can't wait.:-)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
History is Never Boring

As a child, I never enjoyed history. Too many dates to memorize and boring facts that seemed to have no meaning in my life. Perhaps it was the textbooks, the teacher? I'm not sure. Anyway, as an adult I have become fascinated with history. The book pictured above is what I use for home schooling. It is amazing! Even if you don't home school it is worth reading. You will be amazed at what you have forgotten and/or what you never learned before.
We are currently studying Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, Ferdinand and Isabelle (King and Queen of Spain who funded Columbus' expedition) and the Spanish Inquisition. We are reading To The Edge of the World to go along with our studies. It is fiction based on fact. The main character is a young boy named Mateo that loses his parents to the Plague and must seek his fortune at the age of 14. He ends up becoming a cabin boy with Ferdinand Magellan as his captain. It is quite an adventure and we are all enjoying it.

Have any of you read this book? It is keeping me up way too late at night. My images of King Henry VIII were never like this! Yes, he was young at one time, too. Too bad he was such a selfish jerk! Friends, I am learning that history is never boring...
Smile Award!

The Smile Award's rules are:
1. The recipient must link back to the award's creator (on the award)
2. You must post these rules of you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of a recipient (see below).
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver.
Characteristics of the Smile Award:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times-- we are all human.)
2. Must love one another.
3. Must make mistakes.
4. Must learn from others.
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world.
6. Must love life.
7. Must love kids.
I consider each and every person that comments on my blog to be a friend and I truly care about all of you. It's amazing how much of an impression you have made on my life! I would like to give this award to all of you, as you all make me smile!:-)
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