I wish that I could send all of you a copy of this movie. It is a wake up call for everyone. It's so easy to happy in the good times, but what happens when the rough times come in your relationship? God never said it would be easy.
I was put off a bit at the beginning by the acting- not the greatest- but fell in love with the message. Kirk Cameron steals the show. I rented it from Red Box, but am off to buy a copy of my own today. If you have not seen the movie, you may want to just skip the rental and buy it. Oh, and don't forget the Kleenex...

I have heard this is really good but have not seen it yet.
We watched this movie this past weekend...my husband didn't say too much!
~sandy toe
My hubby and I watched this together and really enjoyed it.
I heard this was really good by many people (including you now)
I just love Kirk Cameron and his wife!
Guess I'll have to break down and rent it! :)
P.S. We got snow last night! It's all white and bright outside today~
Everyone tells me this is a great movie! Haven't seen it--I didn't even know it was out on DVD already.
I have to agree with what you said about the acting. When it first started I didn't think I would enjoy it b/c the acting was so amature. But OH...the message...ah...cried like a BABY! You kind of forgive and forget about the lacking in acting. Love this movie! So glad you enjoyed it!
Yours is the second review I've read where some of the acting was not viewed so favorably, but the message was received well.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but do you think it was more of a matter of the acting itself, or was it the way parts of the Christian message in the film were communicated that perhaps made the acting seem awkward?
Anonymous- Good question. Actually, the Christian message was given in an incredibly moving way. The acting itself was a bit weak in parts, but it did not take away from what the movie was about. I was utterly and completely moved by the events and LOVED the message. I hope that you feel the same way when you watch it!:) Lori
The message is awesome. I know what you mean about the cheesy acting. It does get a bit corny. Some of the firehouse scenes were hard to watch. My dad is a retired fire captain, so I grew up around firehouses.
My favorite scenes were between the father and son. And I love the ending!
I have not heard of this movie but will look out for it. Thanks for the review.
I too thought the acting was a little cheesy... but LOVED the message, and then my hubby did some reading on the actors and apparently, they are actually people from the church where this idea spring boarded... So given that info, it made me appreicate the effort and message even more!
Oh yeah.... AND the kissing scene at the end is Kirk Cameron's real wife... He said he will never kiss another woman, even if it's just acting... AWESOME!! So you will notice the couple kissing scenes are done in silhouette!
I just heard about that movie this past weekend.... and now you speak of it. I'll watch for it.
Love your green button banner!
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