Today is the last day to sign up
for my Polka Dot Swap...
My sister flew home today. It was noteasy letting her go.
We are different in many ways. This weekwe discovered how much we have in common.
We can both roll our tongues. Can you?
We have the same sense of humor!We both need our quiet time, too. We
love the same movies (Goonies, Karate Kid,
Princess Bride), watermelon, Twilight,
Red Vines, hate clowns, baby leashes and
Celery Lemonade (inside joke).
Amy loved on Ruby this week,traded Silly Bandz with Mandy and
Katie and played a million board games
with them, too.
I beat her at Smarty Pants- this time.
She took amazing pictures and stayed
up late learning to make jewelry. She
is a natural, but I was not surprised.
Amy told me she just wanted to relax andhang with us. It was our pleasure.
I'm not big on fireworks at home but Ido love sparklers. Do you write your name
in sparkler? I do.
The 4th was lovely. We watched fireworks fromour backyard and it was awesome. Gorgeous
explosions rose above the trees. No crowds,
just bouquets in the sky.
We did have this much fun.

Memories are made of this.:)

Ruby hid in the van. Fireworks are scary.

Sisters do grow up to be friends.
Miss you, Amy.