We have our windows open at night now.
Chilly and wonderful.
Loving my Vanilla Caramel Lattes in my polka
dot mug.:)
important form is and how much time they spend working on it.
I almost did a cartwheel (in my mind)!
to feed and visit. Fun, until the chiggers and mosquitos come
out for a visit.

I offered to take a few pictures of her and her little ones and then
she was kind enough take a picture with us. (I HATE this picture
of me, but I had to show you!)
TLC. 60 people. I was so puzzled. Who was TLC? The mystery
was solved once the Duggar family showed up!
young man in red Kaitlin's young man?:)
were there to celebrate. Originally it was supposed to be a
Girls' Night Out but then they found out it was Kid's Eat Free
this month.:)
cameras and microphones. It was so fun to see! If you are
a fan, be watching to see Amy's birthday celebration on TLC!