This is what we have been busy doing here... Dealing with an ice storm and all the fun that it brings.:) We lost power for a day, slept in front of the fire "camping style", and "roughed" it a bit, but there were also some nice parts....
Eating icicles...
Enjoying the warm fire after being in the cold...

The birds didn't like the fact that their feeder was frozen, but it sure was pretty!

It looked like Narnia...

It appears that Mr. Bunny has turned into Bunnicula!
I love the red color on our dogwood shrub...
We got our power back yesterday, but there are still so many fallen trees and power lines. Our Wal Marts are closed (I didn't think that EVER happened) and so is our Post Office. I hope that the weather is nice and safe where you are. Stay warm, my friends.
Looks like our trees:0!
-sandy toe
Oh My Gosh!
It's beautiful, but must be a little scary. I hope you stay warm and safe!
Hugs to you, my Friend!
You've got some great shots... and I loved your reference to Narnia. Really like that movie!
Oh dear! Stay warm and cozy :)
I love the pictures! They look like art sculptures made of glass!
Those are beautiful photos but I hate the ICE! I'm glad you got your power back on quickly...thank goodness we never lost ours through our ice storm. Stay warm!!!
wow! It does look like a winter wonderland, doesn't it! Have some hot cocoa for me....I'm cold just looking at the photos! :-)
You sure took advantage of bad weather...The icy photos are AMAZING! I love them all!
Glad you guys are doing okay over there!
So beautiful! I LOVE the birdhouse pic!
Looks like you live in a Winter Wonder Land!
WOW Lori, I have never seen icicles like that before. You took some great pictures. Your fire looks lovely and warm and cosy. Glad your power is back on.
I hope your post office opens soon so you can get your goodies. I'm about to bust a gut waiting!!
Your ice is beautiful!!
Glad to hear you only lost power for a day. We lost power for 5 days due to an ice storm a couple of years ago, and it would have been a really miserable experience but for the kindness of a neighbor who allowed us to tap into his generator with a space heater. As it was, we really grew to appreciate the comforts we normally took for granted, and hot coffee never tasted so good as when we had to go out for it after spending cold days and nights without it!
Looks the same here!!!
I love that you let your girls eat icesicles...most people think that's nasty..but not me, cause ya know..I totally ate one!!!
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