We arrived in Florida around 10:30 PM Christmas Day. It was so wonderful to see my parents and sister! (On a side note, for those of you who are afraid to fly, like myself, I must tell you about a sweet young man I sat next to on the plane. He told me that you are more likely to be killed by being hit by a coconut or kicked by a donkey than in a plane crash. He made me smile and truly made me feel better during the turbulence.:) )
We didn't let the late hour effect our festivities. It was Christmas! When we got back to my parents beautiful new home- and it was truly fabulous- we opened our gifts!
This is my Mom and Mandy after she opened her new Avatar game for the Nintendo. Does anyone else have an Avatar fan out there?? Mandy is over the moon for it!!

Can you tell?? Look at that smile!
Katie has been wanting the "Elizabeth" American Girl doll for much of her little life. She had no idea that my parents had ordered it for her. She was thrilled, too!
My parents Christmas tree was such a bundle of wonderful memories for me. Growing up, my parents collected Madame Alexander dolls for my sister and me. This year, they lovingly decorated their tree with some of the little ladies...
There were also ornaments made by Joan Walsh Anglund. Her precious books were also collected for us when I was young. We actually were able to meet the lovely lady many, many years ago. I believe I was about 6. She drew pictures of my sister and I in books that my Mother purchased. Such a treasure..
This is me! I told you I would post more pictures of myself this year (wink, wink).
Katie made this pom pom garland for my parents. She was so proud to wrap it up and give it to them. There's that little beanie again...
My Dad looked inside and jokingly said, "I don't think there's anything in here." Look at Katie's smile- she knows her Ba is such a kidder!
Yes, me again...

More pictures of the tree...
OH we have that American Girl doll... I have been making "kit" clothes out of paper..my oldest daughter got a box where you make paper doll clothes for American Girl paper dool! I needed a break so here I am!
What great pictures!
-sandy toes
Great pictures of a beautiful family......looks like a great Christmas. My mom loves to collect those Madame Alexander dolls. She has them in a large glass case...so pretty!
Priceless photos Lori~ What a great time it looks like you all had! Your Mom is so beautiful!
I can't believe you had blonde hair growing up...SO DID I!!!!
Sweeetest Lori...
Oh i am so glad you are home...i feel like i just want to run down to your house and and give you a big squeeze! These pictures of your family are wonderful!! What beautiful parents you have...they really went all out on every single detail to make this Christmas so charming in their new home!!
I've been thinking of you ..have buttons..need chatter bracelets!!
Love you friend!!
Hi Lori
Looks like you had a very special Christmas with your family. Your parent's tree looks amazing. I love all those little dolls. Katie's American Girl doll is beautiful. I would have loved one of those as a child. The pom pom garland is sweet. The pictures of you as a child are gorgeous, you were cute. I laughed about what the man said to you on the plane. I am very scared of flying too and my husband tells me he heard once that more people die because of their toasters or their trousers (pants) than they do flying!
We love Avatar! Seriously - I ordered Lucy the Avatar hat & gloves last year for Christmas. She is going to wear her Avatar hat skiing tomorrow.
What a great idea to put the Madame Alexander dolls in the tree. I have a few that I received growing-up. Might have to copy that idea for next year.
Y'all look like you had a grand time opening presents! Beth
Looks like you had a great time with your family!! I love how they decorated the tree with the dolls. And Katie and Elizabeth look alike!! Oh, and you were such a cute little girl!!
what sweet, precious memories were made!! your girls are adorable. :)
LOVE the pics of YOU! way to go!
oh, and p.s....i sold out of the new goodies...but i'm workin' on more!!
have a wonderful weekend, Lori!
ok...if this is the second comment i've left, please delete it! my computer is being a booger!!!
anyhoo...what sweet, sweet memories were made!! your girls are just adorable. and LOVE the pics of you! way to go! ;)
and p.s., the new goodies sold this morning...but i'm working on more!! thanks so much, Lori!
Hope your weekend is oh-so-blessed :)
what lovely pictures. We are ALL Avatar fans in our house. We have ALL the dvds and do Avatar marathons when the weather is bad! HA! I love the tree....we also love Madam Alexander and Joan Walsh Aglund.
You made me smile, thanks.
I missed you too...please pray for me.
Cute pics of your family.
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