About Me

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Mysteries, polka dots, California Rolls, TJ Maxx, cozy blankets, rainy days and getting the first spoonful of peanut butter out of the jar make me smile. Spiders, rude people, cold fingers and toes, baby leashes, people that don't wrap their packages before going to the Post Office, poison ivy and Math (pretty much all of it) make me want to scream. My perfect day would be spent with my wonderful husband and sweet girls- watching movies in our jammies! Of course, having the movie theater to ourselves would be great, too. Please pass the popcorn and M&M's.:) I am saved by the grace of God. He is my constant companion and hears my every prayer. What a blessing! I'd love to hear from you! Lori at toosillysisters@cox.net

Friday, March 6, 2009

My Date with Martha

   Before I tell you about my lovely date with Martha, I have to show you the precious gift I received from my dear friend, Lindsay.  She made me this wonderful birdhouse (look at that little angel bird on top!) ornament to remind me of our friendship.  I was so touched by her thoughtfulness.  Thank you, Lindsay.  I adore the ornament and think of you often.:)

   Now, about my date with Martha.  You all know that I am talking about Martha Stewart!  No, we didn't truly have a date together, but I did have a date with her FABULOUS craft supplies!  Oh yes!  Jeff and the girls gave me a huge collection of Martha goodies for Christmas and last night I got busy...
   First of all, look at the treasure chest of GLITTER!  It's enough to make your head spin!  The glitter is ultra fine and luxurious- put some on your wish list- FAST!

    On to the glues.  Yes, I said glues!  They gave me 5 different kinds!  Check out the applicator below.  LOVE it.  It screws off and has a fabulous tip for neat application...

   The glittering glue has a WAND.  Come to Mama.

  I am going to try the Glue Writing Pen tonight.:)

   Another shot of the glitter, just to make your mouth water.:)

I forgot to take a picture of my Martha scissors, but OH MY, they are wonderful!  They even have a cover to protect little fingers.  No one is allowed to touch the scissors but ME.  No funky junk is going to ever touch it.  (You know what I mean, ladies.)  I never knew cutting could be so fun...:)


Tristan said...

Can't wait to see what your gonna make with all those Fab. goodies!!

Anonymous said...

I'm here, friend!! :):)
And I KNOW what you mean about Martha's glitter AND glue! I have her glue writing pen....perfection. Can't wait to see what you make.
I've missed you! Off to email...:)

Kim's Treasures said...

I love my Martha Glitter and Glue! I bought some at Christmas and it is sooo nice!

What a sweet friend you have! That's a beautiful ornament!

Have fun glittering!


Mother Hood said...

I am seriously jealous of all the GLITTER! How sweet of them to bless you with all that glittery goodness!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Look at all the fun glitter..have fun creating.
sandy toe

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

What a fabulous present! I have so been eyeing that glue pen! You have to let us know how it works...And I can't wait to see what you make!

www.AForestFrolic.typepad.com said...

Mmmm, my mouth is watering...i LOVE MARTHA GLITTER!!

Jamie :-)

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Looks like fun stuff!!

Robin said...

You are having tooo much fun! I do adore Martha's glitter!

Hey we are off to Spokane till Monday! But I wanted to stop in and tell you the book club is up and running-Just click on my name to go to it or go here:

BTW: So glad they voted off Sandy on Survivor! :) Hee hee!


Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Lori
All your Martha glitter looks very exciting. I look forward to seeing the lovely things you make with it.
Best Wishes

Elise said...

Love me some Martha!! I KNOW you must have been havin' some fun!!

Yarni Gras! said...

so fun....I'm not into paper crafting. I could be but I'm REALLY trying NOT to get into it. Your supplies though are REALLY tempting me, lucky girl!

DairyQueen said...

looks like great fun! I found you from Elise...you were one of the girls she told me to find from her sidebar :)

Can't wait to see what you whip up with all those supplies!

Ruth said...

OOOHHHH!! Such great supplies. I do love her stuff and am thrilled you can get it anywhere now.
