I had my very first mammogram today. It was a piece of cake, ladies. I was a bit worried about the procedure and it was painless and pleasant! So, if you have never had one, don't let people scare you. For your peace of mind- and your health- go get one. You will be proud of yourself.:)

Welcome to the club ;)
Glad you're feeling better! Mucinex works miracles!!
Yay for mucinex! I am so glad you are feeling better! Did you love my rambling message today?
oh my goodness! i hope and PRAY that it works! and good girl getting your mammogram. :)
Oh good, glad you are on the mend! And that the mamo was okay...haven't had one yet...
Jamie :)
Hi Lori
Glad the mammogram went ok and glad your new medicine seems to be working. I am so glad you are feeling better, you have been on my mind a lot lately.
Best Wishes
Glad you got your mammogram behind you! I've been having them since I was 35 because of my mom's breast cancer diagnosis. They are nothing to fear. Glad to hear that the Mucinex is working...I've heard that's good stuff.
Hope you continue to feel better Lori. Finally right! My Dad has a really bad case of bronchitis right now, almost pneumonia. Really bad stuff this year!
I had my first one last year also...I was scared but then afterwards it was just what you said...a piece of cake.
Hope you get to feeling better! I love the Mucinex for kids...Lexi will take this with no problems. So if the kids ever need it that work great also.
I have always dreaded the day when I would have to get one - but I guess not all mammogram experiences are scary!
I am excited that you are playing along in the swap! I will announce the partners tomorrow evening.
I am SOOO glad to hear you are feeling better!!! I have been worried my friend! :)
Have a lovely day!
Many Blessings!
I am so glad.........I hate those tv ads though...they gross me out!
Don't you just love that it comes in a pill? I had to take yucky old robitussin when I was pregnant with Sam. I had double pneumonia. Now the smell of robitussin just makes me gag :) I definately like taking the pills MUCH better! Good for you getting a mammogram!! I'm glad to hear it wasn't that bad. Hope you continue to feel better every day!! Love, Jerelene
Praying you're better asap! Glad the mammogram went well. Hope you're having a great week!
Hi Lori,
Good that the Mucinex is working for you. My Aunt works for a pharmacy and they told her that was good stuff.
We must be sisters because I was just talking to mom about getting one, she just got her mammogram and so did you... I haven't had one since my lumpectomy 8 years ago... Guess it's time to get in there and get it done... Good for you for taking care of yourself!
I'll write more later in an e mail!
I'm with you on the mammogram thing. I was so scared when I got my first one thinking it was going to be intolerable. Like you said it was a piece of cake.
You have to be the first person I ever heard say that a mammogram was a piece of cake! You go! Hope that mucinex knocks that cold right out!
I am scared for when I go to mine. It hurts I am told ahah!
I am so glad you are feeling better!!
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