I've said it before. Summer is just not a time to slow down. There is too much fun around every corner!:) My girls have been having a blast at VBS...
I've started reading the Sookie Stackhouse mysteries. Who's been watching the show?? Fess up!
I have plans for this little beauty. $10 on clearance at Hobby Lobby. I love the lamp, but the shade- not so much. The bows need to go. My sweet friend, Jill,
has inspired me with her ribbon masterpiece!
This huge frame is from Hobby Lobby, too. $5! I was inspired by Firefly Hill and her masterpiece! Burlap and chicken wire here I come! What color though? Robin's egg blue, black, white?? It will be going in my studio that has no color on the walls yet...
Jeff and I had dinner outside tonight. It was in the 70's! Check out the blue skies...
We had such fun here! Do you have a Mellow Mushroom near you? I love their hummus and Jeff is crazy for their subs. Mmmmm....
What have you been busy doing?
Busy day indeed! they are adorable and I love the lamp and frame!
What a cool name for the store
Fun finds!!
I just finished watching "True Blood" Season 1 - check out from the library as we don't have HBO and started the book last week. I like it, but I'm still lovin' Twilight better. It's a "sweeter" Vampire story :)
Lori, you have been having a terrific summer but the looks of it! I love Mellow Mushroom! I've been busy decorating the house, reading and just trying to enjoy the summer! Have a great day!
I was just thinking about eating at the Mellow Mushroom today! It's right by the bank where I have to deposit some checks....I think it's a sign that I read this post!
can't wait to see what you come up with your clearance treasures. I've all 7 of the Sookie Stackhouse novels...waiting on the 8th
Busy, busy for sure! Have fun!
Hey Lori!
Great finds from Hobby Lobby! Yes, we have a Mellow Mushroom right down the road. LOVE their pizzas!
Hi Lori
It does look like you are keeping busy. I look forward to seeing what you do with the frame and the lamp.
Today I am working from home /ironing /being a taxi driver for Jessica/ making lots of tea for thirsty builders! Tim has gone on a school trip to the zoo!
Oh Lori! What fun...That lamp is going to be darling...and I so want a big frame too...I just LOVE chicken wire and burlap...and you know I think robbins egg blue would be smashing!!! and this weather IS amazing...I wish it would last... Joseph starts football NEXT week...
Have a lovely day!
Weekly beach day and a weekly parkday along with getting kids ready to go to camp and then washing all their stuff when they get home. It has actually been a pretty relaxing summer. Getting a little more reading done too.
Lori, you got me hooked on watching True Blood. the last couple days I watched all of season 1 on DVD and then got up to date by watching this season on the cable ON DEMAND. how bad is that!!!? I've gotta read the books since the show doesn't leave anything to the imagination.
now I'm busy, busy, busy trying to get my creative space done so I can show it off tomorrow on my blog... are you excited to see it??? I'm excited to show it off!
love the frame. I would go with the robins egg blue
we don't have a mellow marchmallow in AZ. sounds fun though!
:) Missy
oh, i love that lamp!! i say robin's egg blue for the frame! how cool! what will you do with it? never heard of that lil store!!
hobby lobby is like a drug!! lol
I'm teaching VBS tonight and the rest of the week!
I can't wait to see that frame done!!
oh...I've just been growing a baby..hehe :)
Sounds like you have been having so much fun. I can't wait to see your post when you have finished the lamp shade. Hugs to you my friend-Summie
I love the Mellow Mushroom. My kids have been begging me to take them there for ages.
I'd love to see the finished lamp.
I love the lamp and can't wait to see what you will do with it. I wish we had a Hobby Lobby close but don't. The frame from Firefly Hill is great. It will look great.
I have never heard of Mellow Mushroom.
Well busy busy you ARE!
It sure looks like you all are having a great time!
I can't believe we only have one more month and school starts back up! I'm going to try to get all the fun in while I can!
Hope you are having a terrific week little sister!
I love the lamp and the frame both..If you do put your own touch to them..I can't wait to see!
(yes I've been watching it..it's just definately NOT for kids :) I would like to read the books though..I think I liked twilight better though.
Love, Jerelene
Lori, I had to see what the chicken wire and burlap was, I have to admit, I thought it would be very country-crafty looking. I love it! I can't wait to see yours when its done! Your are so talented and creative, I will have to talk you into making one for me! See you tomorrow! clw
That blue will look awesome with burlap!! Great finds!!
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