Remember this little number? Well, she finally got her make-over! I got the idea from my dear friend, Jill! Her studio is a dream! Plus, she is one of the sweetest ladies you will ever meet! Thanks for the inspiration, Jill!
She is ready for her big debut!

And now for her close-up!;)
I have received the most wonderful mail lately! I just have to share... My dear bloggy sister, Kimberly, sent me this AMAZING necklace! I LOVE IT! I never buy myself jewelry (yes, I know it is hard to believe!) so this was the such a treat! Thank you so much, Kimberly!
Oh, I forgot to show you the buttons I got at a garage sale last weekend! The tin was FULL of them! Be still my heart! I walked by casually and took a peek inside (had to play it cool, you know). It was $3 for the whole tin and I asked if they would go any lower (doesn't hurt) and I had the nastiest response from the lady! Well, I walked away. I didn't need them THAT badly. After a Happy Hour drink at Sonic I knew I had to go back. I sent the girls up to get them. I didn't want to see the smug look on the woman's (notice that I did not write "lady"?) face. Oh well, they are mine now!;)
Sweet Fran sent me some more wonderful mail! A surprise package for me and my girls! She is a fellow Nancy Drew lover and wanted to thank me for hosting the Nancy Drew Swap! What a sweetheart.:) Look at this fabulous tag! I LOVE it, Fran!
Fran sent the girls goodie bags with pencils, lip gloss and lollipops, too! What more could a girl want?? Check out the sweet lollipop covers she made!
Fun, fun and more FUN!
What can this be?? It is part of an INCREDIBLE package from my BFBF (Best Forever Bloggy Friend!) Heather! Heather was my partner in the swap and I told her I would need a shoe on my island to kill the bugs! So, she sent me a shoe! lol!
Look what else I will have for my desert island getaway! A lovely pillow and blanket (WOW!), gorgeous journals for recording my thoughts, a yummy smelling candle, a frame for a picture of my family, a fun gossip magazine (that I never treat myself to- love them!), peanut M&M's, Red Vines (Heather knows all my weaknesses!), popcorn, Dr. Pepper jelly beans, a pack of cards, gum and the cutest sign that says, "What happens on the Island Stays on the Island"- love it! Thanks so much, Heather!
Now, I need to finish up my Twilight, Favorite Things and Halloween Swaps! Have you signed up for any swaps lately?
Lori, what wonderful gifts you got! What a gorgeous necklace that was! I love all the colors! hit the jackpot, girl! Everything is wonderful, especially since it all came from the heart! The last swap I participated in was Mamarazzi's Favorite Things Swap and it was alot of fun!
what great swap goodies! But I must say, that bug killer is the BEST! Too funny!
The lamp looks gorgeous!
What a ton of great stuff you got! The lamp is absolutely adorable!
Your lamp is so sweet! Love ribbon! I think it goes with your "quilt" table!
OMG I rarely ever find buttons! Great deal!!!
Your swap goodies and surprises packages are very nice! I would need a man (hubby) on a desert island to kill the bugs especially if they are spiders!
Have a great day!!!
OH MY GOODNESSS!!!!! Lori! the lamp turned out GREAT!!! I LOOOOVE it!!!! and that necklace! oh my, and the buttons...and swap goodies!!! oh what a delightful week!...
fun bunch of goodies. Love the title of your blog, sadly my moonflower is growing really slow this year, not sure it will every flower.
Wow, those swaps are like getting swag at Blogher - no I did not go, but I keep hearing about the swag.
You have the best swaps! You're mailman is SO nice to bring you all those goodies in the mail ;)
The lamp is just adorable!!! Nice job Lori!
wowzers..lots of cool stuff! That lamp turned out soooo cute!!
Wow, your lamp turned out adorable!!!! That room is going to be such a happy place when you are done with it. Can't wait to see what else you are up to....
I am loving that necklace you rec'd from Kimberly. I followed your link in hopes that there was an etsy shop..she needs to open one, I think!
Sorry the woman was nasty to you, but woo-hoo on the tin of buttons!
I haven't joined any swaps recently, but Pink Christmas sign-ups are going to be on August 1st in case you are interested!
my friend!!!!
i've missed know i'm terrible at blogging lately. i need to get back into the swing of things :) LOTS has happened since we last talked...been SO very busy. looks like you are doing wonderfully....i love you and hope to talk to you soon!!! :)
Sweet lamp Lori, you go girl!
Jamie :)
Love the lampshade!! So cute and happy!!
The necklace is gorgeous!!
The swap stuff is so much fun!! I wanted to do this one, but needed a little break. I am signed up for Tangee's Halloween swap. They are so much fun and I am already planning what's going in that one!!
Oh my so many great goodies Lori!
Everytime I see buttons I think of you! Sorry some people have to be so smug about things....
Your swaps were nice...I just joined Tangee's Halloween...I came around last year about that time and did not do a swap till Christmas...I love doing those now...I just hope the ones I get like what I send....
Oh my I would love to see the favorite things...who is doing that swap?
great job on the lamp! that is sooo cute and will look so great in your studio/schoolroom! I can't wait to see what else you come up with!
and how lucky you are with all of the nice gifts... love them!
after I get the Twilight and berry swap sent this week, I have a Halloween tag book swap, the halloween one you are in :), and I'm sure I'll be adding more to it.
OH YEAH! I'm doing a blog party too! it's a peter pan blog party hosted from fawndear (link on my sidebar) for Aug 22nd
I was thinking of hosting a fairy paper doll and tag swap... what do you think? is this not the right time of year for fairy swaps?
:) Missy
Love the ribbon lamp :)
Wow great stuff you spoiled girl!
I havent seen any swaps. Do you know any good ones?
OOOH! Such wonderful treats. How nice to receive such goodies in the mail and know that they are just for you. As a mom, most of the times the only goodies in the mail are for the kids.
Oh mY GOSH! What fun goodies you have! It's an avalanche of cuteness. Okay, I need a heads up on some of these fun swaps you are in. It's just all so cute!
Thank you for stopping by today with your kind comment on my 'Wednesday' post.
This lamp here is absolutely adorable. What a happy improvement. Looks like it was fun to do too!
Hi Lori
The lamp turned out beautifully. Jessica was very impressed she loves it too. I love the pretty bracelet and the nancy Drew tag your friends sent you.
The buttons were just waiting for you. Glad you got them in the end. I laughed about the shoe/flip flop that Heather sent you. We are so alike Lori. I wear slippers around the house and am always taking one off and squashing flies and moths. Looks like she sent you lots of lovely goodies, the pillow is gorgeous.
I knew it would look gorgeous when you finished...and it does!! Great job Lori! What great gifts you recieved...what a wonderful day you must have had :)
I really like your buttons...I don't like it when people aren't nice though..shame on HER!!
Love, Jerelene
I almost bought that same lamp at Hobby Lobby! I LOVE what you did with it. I am a huge sucker for anything ribbon related...I'm addicted.
Oh, and your "happy quilt" table is seriously one of the cutest things ever! What a fabulous idea. It turned out great!
Love the lamp!
Wow, what great gifts you got! Isn't it nice your girls were included.
That lamp came out so cute!
I'm so glad your family liked the Taco Burgers! :0)
Hope you're having a great weekend!
That Katie is such a cutie! Your lamp rocks! Can't wait to see your room with the lamp and table!! You are a superstar. Fran.
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