I participated in my friend,
Heidi's Vintage Halloween Swap. I was lucky enough to be paired up with
Rhonda, who is one lovely lady and also a wonderful new friend! Here is the fabulous package that she sent me...

Look at all the goodies! Candles, stationery, pumpkins, candy, soap, and the cutest little pumpkin man wagon! Oh my goodness, she had my whole family excited!:)
This is the loveliest pumpkin topiary! Look at the gorgeous colors! Did you make this, Rhonda? Love it.
Yum. A huge bag of candy! She even put in some Chick O Stick, which is my husband's favorite. I don't think they even sell it around here. If you like peanut butter then Chick O Stick is for you.:) MMMmmmm....
Look at the darling Pumpkin Man! He happily carries the cutest little pumpkins in his wagon. The girls think that he should carry candy instead? We'll see what Mr. Pumpkin Man decides.:)
Thank you so much for everything, Rhonda! Your package really made my weekend!
What a great swap -- Rhonda treated you well...it looks incredible!
Wow! You really made out!
Lori, So glad your package arrived and that you liked it! And yes, I made the tassel. you may need to "fluff" the trim on it before you hang it. I'm with the girls, candy sounds like a wonderful thing to load up the pumpkin man with! And...you want to hear a funny story??? I almost got you the halloween cone thingies, you found at Tuesday Mornings! I thought they were so cute. But one girl was working the entire store, and when I and several other people went to get in line to pay, she was no where to be found! We all left our stuff on the counter and left, after waiting quite awhile! SO...I went straight to TJ Maxx and found the pumpkin man! LOL! I do hope you enjoy him! I certainly enjoyed putting this package together for you!
I didn't know if we were to wait until Oct. 8th to post our swap pics. I commented Heidi today, to ask! So I apologize for not posting mine, yet! I have the pictures loaded and will post them Monday! I have enjoyed all my goodies and I thank you again! Each item was really nice! Have you seen the boxes with with the "heads" on them? I'm going to use the cute box my cup came in for it! Marie, at As the wind blows made one, and they are so cute! ...the best gift of the swap, was making a great new friend! :) ~Rhonda
What a fun swap and festive box of goodies!!
What a great swap...WOW!!!! I am sure you had fun finding a special place in your house for all that fun stuff!
-Sandy Toes
So cute! My kids would definitely agree with your girls -- that Pumpkin Man should be carrying candy in his wagon!
Have a great night!
It looks like you was hooked up!! Wow such great gifts. Congrats!! Have a blessed day.
Oppps...I turned 40 in April. I need to update my profile! LOL! Or maybe I will just be 39 and holding forever! LOL! I played around with many names for my blog and nothing seemed right. Finally out of desperation!!! LOL!!!...I came up with scooterblu's whimsy. My dad always called be scooter or scoot, and I have blue eyes! Blue flowed with the scooter. Life is an adventure around here with 3 kids and a husband who is a regular ole' comedian, henceforth the whimsy. How did you come up with your blog name? I like it! Are they your favorite flowers? ~Rhonda :)
Such a cute gift!
Those are some of the cutest fall things I have ever seen! Rhonda really did a wonderful job picking out some lovely creations for you!
AND she made the tassel! Adorable!
Looks like you are having a great weekend~!
Oh my gosh, look at all that pumpkin goodness...I love the pumpkin man. Did the girls enjoy all the candy?
Hi Lori, I just want to apologize for being somewhat out-of-the-loop lately!...so busy, I haven't been visiting my blogging friends!...So I've gotten a bit caught up now at least with your postings!!..I am so happy to hear that you & Rhonda have become friends!...I had a hunch the two of you would enjoy each others blogs & lives!...You both are just two of the nicest people!...And I must say...what a great box!!!!....And also thank you for remembering to post your lovely table & recipe!...I must have explained the whole exchange rather poorly, since so few ladies actually followed through! Oh well!...You learn something each time you hold one of activities! :)...I will also get that photo to you for Mallory's bracelet!...My mind?...Have the best Sunday!.....Heidi XO
I loved seeing all the wonderful things you received in your Halloween Swap. You and you girls will have fun with it all I am sure.
With regard to your question on my blog, I would love to give you my advice and suggestions about where to visit and stay over here. I couldn't find where to e-mail you so if you e-mail me I will send my suggestions.
I LOVE all your swap goodies. I especially like the pumpkin man wagon and the tassel!! What a great partner you had in Rhonda!!!
Rhonda spoiled you cuteness! That pumpkin wagon man is adorable! You deserve all the goodies! Enjoy!
What a great bunch of loot!!
That tassel is so great..and all the packaged candy..wow..that's how all halloween candy should come!!..i love how Rhonda was going to get you those conies...
what did you end up doing with them...in the shop??? or swinging from your chandelier??
and.. i had a visitor at my house today..a friend from elementary school that i haven't seen since we graduated high school..anyway..i thought of you and how you might be hostessing if you had an old friend visiting...
it was a great time..we had some cuppa joy's..and chatted for a couple hours..i didn't have a fancy table set up like you have (gorgeous)..maybe another time...
have a love-fully!!
Hi Lori... I found you through Rhonda... she is one of my dearest friends! Your blog is adorable and I hope you will not mind me adding you to my Favorites!?!
I just love, love, love all of the Halloween Treasures that Rhonda sent to you. Mr. Pumpkin Man is awesome and I think he should carry candy in his wagon! The tassel is drop dead gorgeous... ~whispers... she sent me one, too~
So glad your Swap was fun! I sent my package out, still waiting for one to arrive at my door, but will post when it does get here. Please come by for a visit, anytime! I love meeting new folks... enjoy your day!
I love all your fun stuff!! Lucky you...I should be getting out my fall swap partner's package today.
Hope you have a great Monday!!
Hi Lori
Check out my blog. I did a post just for you!
WOW, what a great swap box, full of fun goodies!!!! Love that little pumpkin guy! :) xo!
What great swap treasures you got. I participated in that one too! Haven't gotten my box yet tho!
I just signed up for Snowflakes & Sparkles one!!
I love the pumpkin man - and of course he should carry candy!
oh what fun and yummy looking goodies you got!! Hope you're having a happy day!
Okay am I living in another world. How do you hear about all these swaps?! I'm so out of the loop over her in Oregon. Darn my bad sick self.
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