1) I grind my teeth at night. I have done this my whole life. I even have a lovely little mouth guard that I wear. It's glamorous.
2) I love ice. When I was in England they did not serve ice in their drinks. We had to stay in the London Marriott because they had an ice machine.:) My husband thinks I am "high maintenance" and I guess I am.:)
3) I am certified to scuba dive. I completed my qualification dive and never dove again. Maybe someday...
4) I used to be a "perfume model" before I was married. Yes, that's what I was called. You know, I would ask people if they would like to try a new perfume? It actually paid quite well, but walking around in heels (and smiling/being perky at the same time) for 4 hours was not easy...
5) I have to check my stove top burners (a few times) and all the doors in my house before I go anywhere. It's a bit OCD, but I am the one to blame if the house burns down!
6) I love animals. If there is a dog or cat (or horse, hamster, etc.) in the vicinity I must go visit with them. This involves petting and baby talk.:) I visit the humane society from time to time to see the animals and sometimes the girls and I bring treats for them.
7) I am a chicken when it comes to flying. I don't want my girls to know this. Jeff just falls asleep. You should see me when turbulence happens: "Girls, isn't this like a roller coaster?" as I death grip the arm rest, sweat dripping down... Isn't this FUN??!
I just tagged a bunch of you a few days ago, but if you'd like to join in on this tag please do!:)
I laughed out loud at that last one (the image of you trying to stay calm for your kids).
I am the same with animals, even after I was bitten by a dog this summer.
I'm not so much afraid of flying--more afraid of airport security! I don't know how you did the perfume model thing--definitely couldn't smile that whole time!
I love learning little bits about our blogging friends!
I'm a certified scuba diver too - and petrified of the water!! JAWS did me in........I've never done it again.
Have a great weekend!
I share 1, 3, and 6 with you and I'm totally opposite of 2 and 7 :) What was the most popular perfume?
I'm the same with the burners! Growing up with a fireman for a dad will do it to ya! Plus, I've melted a pot and a glass lid to the burners before. So, I'm super extra paranoid. And yes, the mom always gets blamed.
Mamatina- The most popular perfume at the time was Lou Lou. It was lovely, but now you can only get it in Europe... I used to have a bottle of it. I guess I will have to go back to England, but what about the ice situation??:-0 Lori
Why am I laughing?
I grind my teeth. I get a tall mocha in a grande cup so they can fill it to the hilt with ice (love ice) I did some make up modeling for Nordstoms a couple of times-One cat walk. (Didn't get paid for it but did get free make-up) I hate flying but would bite the bullet to fly to see you! But I say the same thing you said other then I explain turbulence to my kids as "potholes" in the road when you are driving-They are not dangerous but are rough...Well the plane goes through the same pot holes in the air (hey, it settled them down but I didn't buy it myself) With kids it's not what you say but how calm you are when saying it! (Big smile) !!!
Love learning new things about you... Mrs. Scuba diver :) (I have always wanted to do this but have only snorkeled)
Lori..this was so fun to learn about you...you are one funny gal!
I have just sipped my morning away reading up on my favorite blogs....
where have i been??? Okay...your amazing plaid button bracelet is adorable!!!oh my!! and the front porch is stunning...what a presentation!! who wouldn't want to sit and sip the day away at your place!!
Happy Day!!
It is so much fun learning a bit more about our blogging friends....I don't like to fly either and I am a sucker for animals...sometimes I think I like them more than people...ut oh.....
I enjoyed reading your random facts. I am surprised you were not able to get ice in England. I have always been able to get ice over here. I hope it hasn't put you off coming again. I am teffifed of flying too. When we visited Florida my Mom was sure I wouldn't get on the plane. We allowed plenty of time to get to the airport but there was a massive traffic jam blocking the road. We almost missed our flight so because we were rushing I didn't have time to think about it. We have booked to return to Florida next year so I will have to face my fear again.
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