About Me

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Mysteries, polka dots, California Rolls, TJ Maxx, cozy blankets, rainy days and getting the first spoonful of peanut butter out of the jar make me smile. Spiders, rude people, cold fingers and toes, baby leashes, people that don't wrap their packages before going to the Post Office, poison ivy and Math (pretty much all of it) make me want to scream. My perfect day would be spent with my wonderful husband and sweet girls- watching movies in our jammies! Of course, having the movie theater to ourselves would be great, too. Please pass the popcorn and M&M's.:) I am saved by the grace of God. He is my constant companion and hears my every prayer. What a blessing! I'd love to hear from you! Lori at toosillysisters@cox.net

Monday, September 29, 2008

Goblin Snack Mix

  Want a recipe for a snack that will satisfy your sweet (and salty) tooth?  Here you go:

   Pour in a bit of mini chocolate chip cookies (we used Famous Amos), a spot of pretzels, a smidgen of Reese's Pieces candies and a dollop of candy orange slices and you are set for a party in your mouth.:)  

   No drooling on the keyboard, now...

  If you are feeling generous (or you just don't want it all going to your caboose) you can share it with friends.  Don't you love the orange pumpkin in the center?  Rhonda found them at Big Lots, so I had to head over there and get some for myself!

   Later in the day we did some sketching in the backyard.  I attempted to draw a pumpkin which my girls oohed and aahed over.:)  They certainly know how to make Mom feel good.

   Katie painted this today on a piece of plywood.  I think it is fabulous!  Love the colors...

   Hope you all had a good Monday.  Who got a chance to watch "The Amazing Race" on Sunday night?  Robin, did you watch it yet??


Tristan said...

Perfect combination of things! I will have to make that for our halloween party!

Robin Beck said...

I watched it! I like the brother and sister team-The son and mom team and I really like the girl that is "just" dating the runner but think the runner is a spoiled rotten woos. (That's as nice as I could put that!) Really, what is a smart attractive girl like her doing with him? Hello?!?
BTW: I can't believe how long Katie's hair is getting-It's beautiful! She is quite the artist!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmm... the Goblin Snack Mix looks 'n sounds Yummies! Looks like y'all enjoyed your outside art studio... FUN!

Thanks for the visit, and I'm glad you enjoyed some of the Vintage Eye Candy... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Sherry said...

I love Katie's plywood! It is really pretty! Her cupcake is definitely in the mail today!!! Earl is making a post office stop for me.

Have a great day!

Shell in your Pocket said...

What a fun post! I love the mix...so cute!
-Sandy toes

Heidi said...

Good Morning Lori, Holly is just thrilled that you signed up for her swap!....Isn't her button cute!...I am being a proud mama, aren't I!....And you & Katie are getting about the best "book" box ever!!! Holly had so much fun doing a box for a little girl!.... I am so glad to hear that your husband is feeling a bit better!....And I am going to have to watch out for your "twilight" jewelry!!!....Also I have to say those pumpkins that you & Rhonda picked up are so darn cute!! I may have to follow suit & run over & buy some too! :)...Also, your little Katie just looks like the sweetest little thing, out in your ard drawing!! & her painting!...beautiful colors!!!...Have a great day my friend!....Heidi XO

Yarni Gras! said...

Look at those goodies...love that little pumpkin....may have to go see if our Big Lots has them too!

Love the smile on Katie's face :-)

Polka Dot Moon said...

What a little artist you have!! Great colors :)

I am now drooling over the "Goblin Mix" and will be making some for our block party! Thanks so much for sharing!


AwtemNymf said...

I love the Goblin Snack Mix! Thanks for sharing!
I sent my Fall Swap goodies to my partner and she has confirmed that she received them! Yipppeeee! I hope you'll host more swaps! You're a lotta fun!

Tristan said...

OMG, I made this today..let's just say my husband adores me now..lol.then I told him where I got it and he says...She's awesome!!