The weather is lovely here, cool but sunny. Why don't we step outside and see what's new?
Ah, pumpkins, bunnies and ivy- three of my favorite things. They are waiting to greet friends- and soon little trick or treaters.:)
I have my wreaths made at the loveliest little boutique. They are quite an indulgence, but I believe they are worth every penny. It's about time for a new one...
A lovely piece of art by Blakely Wilson (Wilson and Wilson Folk Art). I can't wait to see her at the upcoming art shows. Her pictures make me smile...
Would you like to sit on the porch swing or in the rocking chair? We could look through some magazines and dream the afternoon away. I have a feeling there would be lots of talking and perhaps some crafting happening, too!
Oh, did you ask if I have any other reading material? As a matter of fact, I do....
If you look inside the table on my front porch you will see that I have a new book that I am SO anxious to read. I stayed up until 3:30 AM this morning finishing "Twilight". What a story!! How could you NOT absolutely fall in love with Edward? What is in store for me in the next book? No, don't tell me! Thank you so much,
Heather, for sending the books to me!
Of course, while we are reading and discussing "Twilight" we may want to nibble on something. (tee hee)
Gorgeous wreath!...darling front porch!... fabulous book & oh-so yummy candy!!!! You are putting us all to shame!!! :)...Just teasing! I started my front porch this afternoon, but was doing it with Andrew, so as soon as I set a pumpkin on the front porch , he decided it was yet another one to put in his room!.... :)...I have big plans of decorating & sewing the next few days! hopefully I will!....Have a great evening Lori! Lipstick Jungle season Premiere! & Dancing with the Stars!...Forgive me!...I am a woman of simple pleasures! :).... Bye for now!...HeidiXO
Love all the decorating! I am going to a fall festival on sunday, my birthday..and getting my pumpkins & gords...I'm so excited..and when the corn is ready for harvest my husband brings me 24 stalks and I tie them around our 6 porch posts..I love fall!!
That wreath is amazing!! And I love that Wilson pic. So cute!! I think I have a very similar bunny statue. I had been looking for one for a while and found mine at Goodwill for $5!! Can you believe it??
Ok, so I need to get off the computer and carry on with packing. Wanna help?!?!
Hi - I'm new to your blog. I just put an entry on mine about a pumpkin topiary and googled it to see what other adorable creations were out there and, well, here I am.
I LOVE the two small ones you made earlier this month - the ribbon is too precious. Now I'm going to have to bookmark your site and come back to look at more of your wonderful ideas. I love bunnies and ivy too! Thanks for sharing.
Edward, what can one say ........
Book one was amazing, book two was so surprising - not what I thought it would be {she likes to keep readers on their toes.}
Book three I am currently reading. {Well as soon as I am done typing this!}
Lori, you are so cute! I love your front porch and wish I was there!
I love all your decor it is very inviting!
LOve all your photos! That wreath is GORGEOUS!
As for the book........ah, what a great read. I also read 'The Host' by her....FANTASTIC read!
Such an inviting front porch! I TOLD you those books are addicting! I just finished Eclipse...expect it in the mail soon(if you don't mind lost pages?)and I am off to get the 4th. Yummy, candy corn and a book. Is there anything better? Have a great day!
Oh I'll take the swing please and just relax with you. The candy corn might be all gone though -- I can't resist!!!
Lovely! I would love to sit on your porch swing and talk books! I have not read any of the Twilight books, but my daughter has read them all! I am currently reading Atonement...have you read it? I think I may finish is excellent!
I've been waiting for the corn stalks to dry out so I can tie some on our porch. We go up to the mountains to get them. Your porch is so fall. Thanks for sharing it.
Oooooo I LOVE all of your Fall decorating!!! The wreath is gorgeous!! It is just beautiful!
I would love to come sit on the porch swing and dream the afternoon away! The wreaths are so beautiful!
Nice decorating, must have taken a while to get it all arranged :]. Also I agree with you on the Twilight book..its very well written! Btw, I love yoru choice in candy <3.
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