About Me

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Mysteries, polka dots, California Rolls, TJ Maxx, cozy blankets, rainy days and getting the first spoonful of peanut butter out of the jar make me smile. Spiders, rude people, cold fingers and toes, baby leashes, people that don't wrap their packages before going to the Post Office, poison ivy and Math (pretty much all of it) make me want to scream. My perfect day would be spent with my wonderful husband and sweet girls- watching movies in our jammies! Of course, having the movie theater to ourselves would be great, too. Please pass the popcorn and M&M's.:) I am saved by the grace of God. He is my constant companion and hears my every prayer. What a blessing! I'd love to hear from you! Lori at toosillysisters@cox.net

Monday, August 17, 2009

Nerves of Steel

What's this?

There's my little one going in for her first audition. She is holding her Elizabeth doll. Anyone have a guess as to what is going on? (Note: The girls were instructed to remove their shoes if they wore flip flops or heels.)

Oh my goodness! Look at all the other little girls! They are all hoping for a part in an American Girl fashion show! Both my cuties were brave enough to get up on the stage when their name was called, pose and smile (twice) and then go to the center of the stage to answer a question. I was sweating bullets! We'll know in a few days if they are chosen...
The girls were all measured (see below) and photographed before the actual

After the audition, the girls got home and set up a Concession stand! What would you like?:)

I loved how they even put out flowers, for that special touch.:)

They made $16.40 this weekend! I was so proud of them as they did this on their own. Not only that, I was touched by the kindness of people. Did you know that every sweet customer told them to keep the change? The girls are planning on putting a portion of their profits in the offering plate at church, too. This was their own idea. I am such a proud Mommy.


Anonymous said...

Lori...that is the sweetest thing! I was on a walk last week and some cute little kids were selling lemonade. I felt so bad, I of course didn't have any money on me (I tried to trade the dog but they looked at me like I was crazy ;-) Good luck with the American Girl gig. We love AG's too...my girls would love that!

Jamie :)

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

how CUTE is that??? yay for your girls!

Polka Dot Moon said...

I bet they both get a part :)

What little sweethearts too! Love their concession stand! Way to go girls!!

Tristan said...

oh..i hope they are chosen!!

and how sweet are they!!!

Connie said...

What cute girls at a cute concession stand! That picture makes me smile. You should be one proud mom!

Robin Beck said...

Ahhhh man!!!
I wrote out this nice long comment on how wonderful the girls are etc. etc. and my wireless gave out at my Moms house (Yes, I am here!)

Anyway, I think the post was great Lori!!! As are you and the girls!

P.S. I'm having a great, relaxing time!

April said...

You have every right to be proud, Lori! That's so precious about their concessions stand! I will say a prayer that they both get a part in the fashion show...they deserve it!

Jill said...

Oh I just know they will get to model!! precious girlies!! and their little stand...and then that they are going to give the money away...priceless!!! What sweet girls...(like mother, like daughter!)

Unknown said...

What wonderful girls you have! They are truly a blessing! I hope they get a part in the fashion show!

Darlene said...

Oh how exciting. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they get a part in the fashion show!

What a cute concession stand. I bet they had a great time and enjoyed making that money. What fabulous girls you have.♥

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Such sweet daughters you have! You are so blessed Lori!

Anonymous said...

How fun is that!?! good luck girls, and great job on your concession stand! woohoo!
:) Missy

Elise said...

How proud you must be!! Ooh, hopefully we'll be hearing good news soon!!

Sherri said...

Lori, I'll keep my fingers crossed for the girls!! I think their roadside stand was so cute!

Yarni Gras! said...

You have every right to be proud of them......such sweet girls and so thoughtful too!

Good luck with the AG auditions!

Ruth said...

Wishing them luck with the American Girl auditions.

I love the concession stand. What a wonderful touch with the flowers. How sweet of the girls to share their money in the offering. What a blessing. Your heart must be swelling.


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

If I came to your girls' concession stand, I think I'd have pretzels, a tomato and a drink!

What fun!

Georgia Girl said...

Oh cool Lori...fingers crossed they made it.

Great idea for the fresh produce and giving in the offering plate....