I hosted a Kid's Summer Swap earlier this summer and it was a hit! My girls made some new friends and loved getting their own packages in the mail.:-) Mandy's swap partner was her 2nd cousin, Kemma. The girls have never met one another but what a great way to get to know each other! Kemma sent Mandy an amazing package of goodies! My cousin,
labeled each package with a number and explained why each gift was chosen. So creative! They sent some Canadian money and postcards, a bead kit, candy (where did THAT go??), a craft kit, Canadian pins, and some lovely dishtowels and doilies that our grandmother made (such a special touch!). Mandy's favorite part was a tiny kitty purse from a Chinese shop. What a treasure trove! Thanks Kemma!

Katie's partner was Paige and what a fabulous load of goodies she sent her! Katie received popsicle molds, the cutest little pink pig (Katie calls her "Plumpy"), gummy lifesavers, a pink bag, a kit to make your own ice cream, a pink, fluffy boa, a Hello Kitty noise maker, and a Jacks game set! Thanks Paige! The girls were definitely spoiled- and they loved it! I think I need to host another kid's swap in the near future.:-)