Holly is hosting a really fun Christmas Book Swap for children on her blog. I was going to sign up the girls, but my crazy addiction to swaps has to stop somewhere, my friends! No more swap sign-ups until next year for me... If you are interested, I know it will be really fun as Holly is fabulous!:) Sign ups end tomorrow (Friday) so get yourself over there and sign up! This is one of the books I was going to give in the swap. It is precious. The words are simple and tender and the pictures are soft and lovely...

I am going to look up that book..she looks like my daughter!
-sandy toes
I just ordered that book on Amazon...$6.00..my daughter will love it for Christmas..looked so sweet!
-sandy toes
I was just telling Robin yesterday that I have to stop the swaps -- at least for a while. Although this one is really cute.
I too had to put myself on swap restriction. So sad. Holly's swap almost made me throw my rules away. Boo hoo!
Thanks for the book recommendation!
I wanted to do that swap too, but I am about swapped out. Not that I am tired of them, but my bank account is!! I really would love to do one for the kids after the new year sometime. Maybe we can coordinate one.
I need to go check out that book. It looks cute!!
What a cute idea. Too bad my boys have gotten to old. Hope you have a wonderful Friday. Blessings, karen
What a fun swap, but I am with you. I have to stop somewhere:)
That picture of Katie is all kinds of cuteness. I love the jacket. oh, and yes, that is the apple shirt from Gymboree...I love that place(their clearance racks are a dream!)
I cut myself off of swapping for awhile, but this one does look like fun. Oh well, maybe next time. Those books look great, thanks for sharing!
Hi Lori, I completely agree about getting carried away with swapping!!:).....I have gone crazy too!....Holly's book swap will be my last one for this year as well, & from now on I have to do 1-2 at a time...not 10! :)..however, I have to say that swaps are so much fun & such a lovely way for us all to get to know each other better!...just a few less all at once! :).....Wishing you a wonderful weekend!....Your friend, Heidi XO P.S. your book suggestions sound great!
I'm putting my swap obsession aside until '09 too! HA! I've got things to do! I've been cutting out fabric alllllll week long!
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