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Mysteries, polka dots, California Rolls, TJ Maxx, cozy blankets, rainy days and getting the first spoonful of peanut butter out of the jar make me smile. Spiders, rude people, cold fingers and toes, baby leashes, people that don't wrap their packages before going to the Post Office, poison ivy and Math (pretty much all of it) make me want to scream. My perfect day would be spent with my wonderful husband and sweet girls- watching movies in our jammies! Of course, having the movie theater to ourselves would be great, too. Please pass the popcorn and M&M's.:) I am saved by the grace of God. He is my constant companion and hears my every prayer. What a blessing! I'd love to hear from you! Lori at toosillysisters@cox.net

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Nature Hikes and Glitter!

   Yesterday we took a day trip to a Nature Center and MICHAEL'S!!!!  Can you tell which one I was more excited about?:D  Actually, they both were a lot of fun and we came away with many memories and even some "treasure".:)  
   I had so much fun at Michael's and even came across a 20% coupon in a magazine I was reading.  It was off ALL full price items!  Had to put that to good use, you know.  But more about that later.  Here is the treasure I found on our nature hike.....

   Acorns!  Oh, yes!  I have been searching high and low for acorns ever since I saw what my friend, Rhonda had done with them.  Gorgeous acorns, Rhonda!  You are the next best thing to Martha!:)  You should have seen me walking along the trail with my arms full of these little cuties.  I was cradling them like a baby!  I think I heard some squirrels crying, too.  Sorry Guys!
Perfect for upcoming birthday parties....  

   Ooh, Aah...  Yes, I finally got my hands on some Martha Stewart Glitter!  It's packaged in glass bottles, of course.  I wanted each and every color, but I calmed down and picked only those that I knew I would use over the next few months.  A girl can not have TOO much glitter, you know.:)

   Now, on to the Nature Center....

   When I found this bird's nest I thought of you, Robin.:)

   And this picture is for you, Elise!:D  My squirrel loving friend!

   The Nature Center had lots of hands on activities and we learned quite a bit about native fish, birds, animals, etc.  There were even tarantulas and black widow spiders on display- live ones.  My favorite!  NOT.  And, of yes, there was that HUGE rattlesnake that gets fed on Tuesday and Fridays....  

   We were exhausted at the end of the day, but it was so much fun!  The girls can't wait to go back.:D


KKJD1 said...

What a fun time. I love nature hikes. The girls look so cute in their costumes. I hope you have a great Sunday. Blessings, Karen

mommyholly said...

Ooooh how fun!! Andrew would flip over that place- spiders and snakes??? HIS FAVORITE, seriously haha! Definitely not mine though, i can assure you haha!!! xoxoxo

Tina Puntigam said...

I thought you were going to show us a craft with glitter and acorns! Looks like it was a fun time.

Yarni Gras! said...

looks like a great day!

Tristan said...

OH, looks like TOO much fun!! I want some of that glitter..and oh, the acorns!

Shell in your Pocket said...

What a great time...I love the pictures!! What cute glitter jars!
-sandy toes

AwtemNymf said...

Hi Sweetie *waves*
I'm curious to know what she did with the acorns. I have a bunch too that I had a friend from Canada send to me. Faeries love acorns :O)
Nature hikes rock and you look like you had fun. That bear in the tree is darling!
And you are SOOOO right- you cannot have too much glitter! I'm living proof of that! Woots!
Plus- I agree with Mamatina- I thought you were going to show is some glittered acorns!
ps- i love your holiday bracelets!
*sprinkle sprinkle*

Jessica said...

Yea!!! I love that nature center. Princess could play that silly fishing game all day and never tire of it. I have no clue what a Michael's is...but your excitment makes me excited!

mysteryhistorymom said...

Awtemnymf and MamTina- Clip on "Rhonda" and you will see the lovely glittered acorns that my friend, Rhonda made. They are gorgeous!:) Lori

Polka Dot Moon said...

Oh what fun! We love going on nature hikes and searching for treasures :)
But I'd have to stay behind and not look at the spiders or snakes...........EEEEEEKKKK! I'm gettin' the willies just typing this!

I love the glitter!! I just was there this week and picked up some for some "sparkly" projects ;)

Anonymous said...

Loved seeing your Nature photos... this is such a beautiful time of year... I'm sure your glittered acorns will turn out as cute as Rhonda's! She is a Sweetie! Hope your week goes well...


Beth said...

It looks like you all had so much fun. I think pairing a nature hike with Michael's is a great idea. Must suggest that to my hubby! Beth

mel said...

ok, those acorns she made are so cute. I tried to do an acorn craft one year, and I gathered some up in a pail...before I could use them, boweevils hatched from them! Ew!!! Did you know that? They lay their eggs in them and then they hatch and come squirming out, lol. You are supposed to put them in the oven for a bit to kill any eggs apparently. Better luck next time, :)

Lindsay-ann said...

The Nature Center sounds our kind of place athough I would 'pass' on the spiders! I am glad your family had a good day there, they look to be having a super time. Great pictures.

Robin Beck said...

Oh my goodness... You got to Michaels!!!! How cool is that? You are going to love that glitter- I confess, I bought 18 medium bottles of it (ALL different colors-Walmart carry's Martha Stewart) Then I have 4 big bottles of colors like you picked out! you are going to love it.
It looks like you guys had a blast at the Nature Center (You are such a fun family) Thank you for thinking about me when you saw the nest-What a sweetie you are!