I have dinner in the oven, the girls are happily playing together and I have a few minutes to myself. We have all of our school work done, too- Yippee! Just thought I would check in with all of you....
What is your favorite part of Fall weather? Perhaps it's having a fire in the fireplace, a heated blanket on the bed, curling up with a great book and not feeling guilty about it? Or maybe it's sipping a mug of hot chocolate with big marshmallows melting on top, preparing comfort food in your crock pot, or enjoying warm chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven with cold, cold milk? These are some of my personal favorites. The girls and I have been sitting by the fire the past few nights reading Password to Larkspur Lane (Nancy Drew). Warm jammies must be on first and, of course, we have to break out the blankets. It's a special time for just us girls, although Daddy is always welcome.:)
Hope you are all cozy and warm. It's such a wonderful time of year. Enjoy each and every day, my dear friends.
My favorite part is playing in the leaves. I always love racking the leaves for the sole purpose of playing in them, but if it's to clean the yard, forget it :)
I also really like the smell of fall and an outdoor fire.
What do I love about Fall?
Fall gets me in the mood for Christmas. I love to craft and sew while listening to Christmas music - When I take a break I like to sit in front of the fireplace and drink a cup of hot cocoa. I love all the craft shows that come to town in the fall. I like how life seems to slow down and everyone starts baking and eating comfort foods~ My favorite part though is being together with my whole family during the Holidays~♥
Ooh, I love Nancy Drew!! I love the crunchiness of the leaves. Just the other day we went to the post office and I let the kids run and play in their leaves. Oh, and I love hot chocolate!!
Love the Holiday pictures!
My love list of fall is pretty much the same as yours. We LOVE to cool off our cocoa with a scoop of ice cream :0}
Just put a call in today to have our fire place repaired.
The kids had a two week goal to listen to all our 12 'Standing Tall' character building books to earn an outing to the movies.
You guys wouldn't want to join us on Saturday to see 'High School Musical 3'?
In the Fall for breakfast, I make hot cocoa and homemade cinnamon toast..yum! (nothing like sending the kids off to school with a sugar rush!)
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