Dear Friends- I was not going to write anything about this election, but I feel that I can hold back no longer. I may be preaching to the choir here, but I am very concerned about the future of our country. McCain may not be your first choice for president, but I know he has good intentions for the future of our country. I think that he is amazing and I know that he loves the United States! He has proven this many, many times. I have not seen this quality in Obama, who won't even pledge allegiance to the American flag.:( I know that McCain has experience that would help him in the office of President and Obama does not. McCain is an American and Obama's origin is still in question. The people that bombed the World Trade Center (our enemies, although it seems, sadly, that many have forgotten) were Muslim and Obama was raised in this faith. Terrifying, I know.
I could go on and on, but I'll stop here. Please think long and hard before you cast your vote on Tuesday. Whatever you decide, please remember that I love all of you.:) I just pray that all our futures will be bright and that God will guide our next President, whoever he may be. God Bless Us All..
He's getting my vote on Tuesday. I don't have high hopes of him winning, and I know the Lord will put in the office whomever HE chooses...but as for me and my house...WE VOTE McCAIN/PALIN!!
Great post! I have some of those picture on my posting today! We are having an election party on Tuesday....just food...watching the results...cake...watching the results. We did this last election!
-sandy toes
Wow, its wonderful that someone feels the same as me!
P.s..you can totally come visit, if you can come to Indiana,lol!
Something I thought you might enjoy. Today in church we were talking about unity, & the importance of unity in all that we do. As a family, as couples and as citizens.
Although we can't control who wins, we can as families and as Christian's pray for whomever is elected into office. We should all pray for the leader of our country to be guided to do what is best for our country.
I know I sure will be.
I agree with you totally. If I were voting - I would vote for him. My prayers are with America at this important time.
Hi Lori,
I don't know who I am going to vote for yet and I'm not trying to start something with you, but something you said really bothers me. Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii which is part of the United States. His father was from Kenya and his mother was from my hometown, Wichita, Kansas. The other thing that really bothers me is that not all muslims are bad people. Every religion has extremist and unfortunately they are the ones that people remember. I am not one to usually speak up and I really am not trying to argue with you, but these 2 things that you said really bother me. I just hope and pray that which ever candidate does win will do his best to make this country a better place for all of us to live.
Voting on Tuesday! We, too, are praying for this country that we love.
Love blessed utopia--but as for me and my house...Love that! And Artful Life's comment is wonderful.
Thanks Lori!
Hi Lori, I just read my email from you, and think I forgot to leave a comment (reply)! I'm so out of sorts this morning. I have wallpaper to start removing in my bedroom this morning and I am dreading it. you never know if it will be any easy job or not until you start! LOL! Anyway, I absolutely love the bracelet! It is just perfect! The charms are a great touch! She will love it! So, let me know how I need to pay you for it, paypal??? I have an account, so just let me know! I may be biased, but I think it is the prettiest one you've made! LOL! Thank you so much!
Great post! I voted Friday, and I pray it goes our way.
And thanks for the kind words about my acorns in the post below! I am blushing like a school girl! LOL! Don't you just love that glitter! There is no telling what will be glittered for Christmas! LOL! ~Rhonda :)
I am voting for McCain...not shy about it at all but I have to agree with Sherry. He was not ever raised as a Muslim and he actually does do the Pledge to the Flag. Unfortunately they have one shot of him where he "forgot" to put his hand on his heart but there are several more pictures and videos with his hand on his heart reciting the pledge. As much as I want McCain to win I feel it is unfair that there were so many rumors about Obama spread out there. Is that the way to win an election..if so than maybe we are missing something. I have just been praying these last few months for God to really work on the heart of the man that is going to be our next President...we all need it.
Sarah- I am so glad that you are voting for McCain, my friend!:) I have read quite a bit that states that Obama was raised as a Muslim, though. And there are pictures of him dressed in traditional Muslim clothing. He does say that he does not practice the Muslim faith anymore. Lori
Ladies- And then there is Obama's views on abortion. I saw a very disturbing video the other day that showed aborted babies and it will forever stay in my mind. Obama feels that abortion should be allowed- all 9 months of pregnancy. This just makes my heart ache... Lori
Hi Lori ~ he'll be getting my vote tomorrow.
Nuff said!
Yes people...GET out and vote!~♥
P.s....Love your Christmas bracelets Lori!!!!!!!!!!!! :)~♥
very well said....
Everyone needs to get out and vote! And pray for whomever is elected, they are gonna need it!!
Yes I totally agree with you on the voting. I will be waiting and watching the results. Thanks so much for you sweet words. Have a great day! Blessings, Karen
Yep my hubby and I went out and voted this morning for the right President....I do hope McCain/Palin wins. I am so worried over this election.
GREAT post, Lori!!!! I agree with you 100%!! It scares me that SO many young people are going out today in record numbers to vote for Obama. I walk through my school and count the Obama stickers on the cars... it is sad that people think "change" must come from someone with ZERO experience, when McCain is so obviously qualified for the job. My vote is McCain Palin and I am keeping my fingers crossed that he will pull through today!!!! :) xoxoxo!
You got more love than negative messages ;) Don't worry, God is in control and HE knows the future of our country. One thing that scares me about Obama is how people idolize him and are entranced with him - reminds me of the Nicolae character in the Left Behind series... Now before people harp on me, I am just saying that people are just so mesmerized by Obama and I don't understand why - I am not even close to implying he is the antichrist! GREAT POST - Happy Election Day!
I voted, Lore! And now I pray for our country's future leadership, whoever they may be. (As you know, sis, we are Christian Republicans who love and find beauty in people of all faiths. But I continue to think back to Obama's slip-up during the George Stephanopoulos interview where he said "My Muslim faith." What's up with that? If you're Muslim, fine--stand behind who you are and what you believe. Just be honest! But I digress...)
Em @ bunch of scrap....I totally thought the same thing but didn't want to say anything because I thought it might make me sound crazy but he totally resembles that character. Frightening!
I don't want to start a war...I am saying this out of love and truth. Obama did say the words "my Muslim faith" in the interview with G.S. HOWEVER if you listen to the entire thing he is agreeing that John McCain knew that his faith and the rumors that he is a Muslim were off limits. He was not claiming to be a Muslim...he was just acknowledging that John McCain had not started the rumor that he was a Muslim as he had not brought up the fact of Palin's daughter's pregnancy. A clip was sent out and everyone started to believe it. Those are scary and the fact that we believe little clips means we need to do more research. I am also speaking to myself. He also did attend a Muslim school while living in Africa ....as most of the students were Muslim. It would be like someone attending a Catholic school that is not necessarily Catholic..happens all the time. This is the first election where I actually did some research on these guys....I still voted for McCain...but it was because of the issues, not the "what if's " of the candidates backgrounds.
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